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Living April 24, 2019

First Mercury, then Jupiter, now Pluto goes retrograde on April 24

WATCH: Extreme Pluto Close-Up Shows Most Detailed View Yet

Greg Tufaro is a second-generation astrologer and segment producer for "Good Morning America."

I know you got through Mercury’s retrograde period (March 5 through March 28) and were just starting to deal with Jupiter’s retrograde period (April 10 through Aug. 24), but guess what? There’s more revisiting and reassessing ahead for you when it comes to figuring out where you are in life, what you are doing and where you want to go. Why? Well, we’re about to dive deep into our retrograde season on April 24 as a second planet, Pluto, shifts direction in the sky.

(MORE: Mercury may be out of retrograde, but now it's Jupiter's turn)

Meet Pluto

In astronomy, there’s been much debate as to whether Pluto is or isn’t a planet. Pluto was discovered on Feb. 18, 1930, and at multiple points throughout history, has been reclassified: first, as a planet, then as an asteroid, some questionably calling it a comet, but finally, these days, we’ve “landed” on calling Pluto a dwarf planet. What’s unique about Pluto is that it's the smallest of all in size and has an eccentric orbit around the sun, revolving on a different plane than the other planets in our solar system. What’s fascinating about this continual Plutonian rebirth is that it speaks to a large degree of what Pluto represents to us astrologically.

Pluto is the Phoenix- the bird who rises from a fiery destruction, stronger than they were before. In our lives, similarly, Pluto will often reflect itself in those dramatic life events and changes that transform us at our core.

In our physical world, when a planet appears to move in retrograde (backwards) motion in the sky, it’s because it is completing its revolution around the sun and from our perspective here on Earth, it appears to shift direction. It’s like the two planets' revolutions are playing a game of catch-up.

In the metaphysical/astrological world, in the weeks surrounding Pluto’s turn to retrograde motion, typically, we, or someone close to us, may be facing a question about our/his/her lives that could have some sort of pivotal impact, whereby a defining choice is made one way or the other as to which road to travel down, the results of that choice having far-reaching, far-lasting consequences. Metaphysically, you are playing a game of catch-up in your life, getting yourself where you need to go.

Take a look at your own life and see if you can relate to something impactful/life-defining happening in these surrounding weeks. Pluto will be retrograde from April 24 through Oct. 3. Come Oct. 3, when Pluto shifts back into prograde (forward) motion across the sky, whatever change happens in the weeks surrounding the start of this retrograde period will come back around to reveal their consequences.

(MORE: 6 types of astrological relationships: How do you and your partner match up?)

In the meantime, here’s the area of life Pluto is likely to have the greatest impact for each sign:

Aries (March 21-April 19)

A big change could be afoot, either with you or somebody you work with, the repercussions of which can be of great consequence for you both. It could appear to occur from out of the blue, or be something that’s been a long-time coming for reasons that have largely remained hidden. Know that whatever the outcome, it’s all a part of a grander plan. If somebody chooses to step away from work, or you find you're suddenly having to step up in your responsibilities, do it all in stride. This is a test of your inner mettle. Are you truly as good as you think you are? Now is the time to prove it!

Taurus (April 20-May 20)

Learning something new may have been on your mind in recent months, either for personal development or professional advancement. You’re more likely to begin taking the steps you need to advance your education, however, know that the journey may be longer and more arduous than you imagine. If you’re truly looking to reinvent yourself, then give yourself the time you need to do so. Nothing good comes easy.

Gemini (May 21-June 20)

If you’ve been thinking about conceiving or having difficulty doing so, now is the time where the tide can turn -- but not without a certain amount of psychological investigation on your own part. Our mind can have a tremendous impact on our physiology. Now is the time to uncover the connection the two have for you. Seeking a second or third opinion from a medical expert can only work to benefit your overall mental and physical health in this moment. Get it all in order.

Cancer (June 21-July 22)

A partnership may begin to undergo a metamorphosis in the coming months. If you’ve been the one who typically takes charge of things in your relationship, don’t be surprised if suddenly the roles are reversed. The power balance in your relationship is likely to be reassessed. Do you want an equal partnership or a lopsided one? What about your partner? It’s time now to pay attention to what they want from you!

Leo(July 23-Aug. 22)

Have you been liberal with your diet for the past several months? Have you been avoiding going to the doctor for fear of what you may find? Health matters may be on your mind more of late, particularly when it comes to maintaining balance. Things are likely to be uncovered and subsequently resolved in the next several months, so do yourself a favor and turn your thoughts into action.

(MORE: We're halfway through this month's Mercury in Retrograde: Here’s what it means for you)

Virgo (Aug. 23-Sept. 22)

Has life seemed like less fun lately than you remembered? Has that feeling been percolating under the surface now for months with little to no outlet? Well, it’s time to start getting that passion back. You ever hear of the phrase, "Pay attention to the whispers before they become screams?" I urge you to pay attention to your inner voice and seek out those things that once brought you joy. If you have to, give yourself that extra push through action (i.e. attend a party, go on a trip, dance the night away) to get over the inertia that may be bringing you down.

Libra (Sept. 23-Oct. 22)

What you call "home" has been on your mind more often lately than in recent years. It could be a situation concerning your parents, the "home" you’ve been building on your own, or may even be the physical house in which you live. Whatever the case, in the back of your mind, something has been keeping you up at night and it’s time to address the problem head on. Is there something you need to reconcile with your mom or dad? With your partner? Should you go ahead and move? Take the initiative to get the conversation going. You’ll be glad you did because come October, what it means to be "home" could dramatically change you for the better.

Scorpio (Oct. 23-Nov. 21)

If you’ve been sensing something is wrong with your car (i.e. the brakes don’t feel so smooth, the alignment is out of whack), over the next few weeks, it’s likely that whatever technical difficulty is going on under the hood will bubble up to the surface and reveal itself. By then, however, your car may be long gone and ready for the graveyard. So, instead of waiting around for the problem to reach the point of no repair, why not get your car serviced right now?

Sagittarius (Nov. 22-Dec. 21)

There may be a drastic change in your financial picture over the next several months. Another source of income may suddenly come your way, or you may be expected to outlay a sizable sum for something you weren’t anticipating. In either case, the challenge right now for you is to recognize your attachment to money. What has its value been to you in the past and what do you want it to be in the future? Now is the time to recognize how much or how little you will allow it to dictate your mood and define your identity.

Capricorn (Dec. 22-Jan. 19)

Of all the signs in the zodiac, your sign is the one most likely to experience profound changes relating to the concept of self over the next several months. How that presents itself can be in any number of ways. Have you had dreams about hiking the Himalayas? What about starting your own business? What gigantic task have you previously ignored but know in your heart of hearts is something you hope to do in this lifetime? Well… you just have to do it! In the end, I promise you will be successful. When you put your effort behind things, there’s nothing you can’t accomplish; nothing you can’t achieve!

(MORE: New Starbucks zodiac chart finds the drink to perfectly match-a your personality)

Aquarius (Jan. 20-Feb. 18)

Long-buried hurts from years ago may slowly be coming to your conscious awareness. If so, acknowledge them, accept them and then…. let them go. You know the old phrase, "Holding onto anger is like drinking poison and expecting the other person to die?" Those are the constraints you’ll be putting on yourself by wallowing in pain that no longer serves a purpose for you. I’m not telling you to just get over it. I’m telling you to not give that person/place/thing the power that it once had. You know you deserve more.

Pisces (Feb. 19-March 20)

Don’t be surprised if you attend a reunion in the next couple of months and a contact you make there plays a significant role in steering the course of your life. Sometimes, to achieve our dreams, we need angels on our side. Consider this person your angel on earth. It could be a passing suggestion they offer to you or an idea you had once upon a time that you’ve long since forgotten that spurs you to reach for something that hadn’t lately crossed your mind. Think about it. There is such a thing as destiny. Grab yours!