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Family August 9, 2018

Checklist: These are the back-to-school to-do's that sneak up on you

WATCH: Tackling the back-to-school checklist

Cross off those final to-do's as you get your kids back into the classroom.

Here is a last-minute, not-so-obvious checklist to handle before heading back to school.

Get our full coverage to head back to school like a boss and own the school year.

Lots of schools have requirements for vaccinations, including some some shots that are part of new public health initiatives like getting teens vaccinated for meningitis.

For those who need new inhalers, EpiPens or other expensive medical gear, order prescriptions now. Pro-tip: you may need a pediatrician to sign a release form that lets the school administer medicine and inhalers. Take care of this as early as possible to avoid last-minute stress.

Speaking of pediatricians, you should schedule an appointment now as they are often booked solid in the fall and at the end of the year when people try to maximize calendar year deductibles and free “well-visits.”

PHOTO: For those who need new inhalers, EpiPens or other expensive medical gear, order prescriptions now.
For those who need new inhalers, EpiPens or other expensive medical gear, order prescriptions now.

If your child's glasses are scratched, too small, or just “not cool enough,” it might be time to get a new pair. If your child’s prescription is recent, there are lots of back-to-school offers from online companies. I saw one that advertised two pairs for $59. But those online offers mandate that you have an existing prescription.

Since kids' vision can change faster than adults', check when their last vision screening was done. It should happen once a year — usually at pediatrician well-visit, but if you have any thought that their vision is an issue, then it’s worth visiting an ophthalmologist.

Back-to-school means back to sports. Make sure last year's cleats and footwear still fit and don't have to be replaced.

For uniforms, it's rare that every team gets new gear but rather, coaches will ask parents to order their child’s kit on demand from a website. So, allot extra time and ask whether your athlete needs a new one.

Clubs and school sports generally require a fee — anywhere from $50 to $1,500 dollars per season. Plan for that in your budget, and if it's prohibitive, talk privately to the coach.

I coach three sports and while some leagues have specific grants for families, coaches will move mountains to get kids to play and I bet your coaches have resources you haven’t considered.

PHOTO: Wake your kids up at the same time you would for school and then start easing into school bedtimes to prep for the new year.
Wake your kids up at the same time you would for school and then start easing into school bedtimes to prep for the new year.

Own bedtime battles
Establish a nighttime routine now. My advice is, you can’t force a kid to fall asleep, but you can wake them up at the same time you would for school and then start easing into school bedtimes.

It’s the earlier wake-up time that stimulates the earlier bedtime. Also, get mealtimes back on your school schedule. As any experienced traveler will tell you, the stomach can be a great aid in resetting your internal clock.

Get our full coverage to head back to school like a boss and own the school year.