Play Wellness March 29, 2020 Social distancing isn’t just about you. It’s about making sure everyone around you stays healthy, too
The Family of Geneva Wood Wellness March 27, 2020 90-year-old woman from Washington nursing home who 'beat coronavirus' credits God and potato soup
Axel Heimken/POOL via Getty Images Wellness March 27, 2020 Mother to baby transmission of COVID-19 cannot be ruled out, new study finds
Heather Hodnicki Wellness March 26, 2020 I'm a nurse who's pregnant amid the novel coronavirus outbreak. Here's how I'm coping.
Courtesy Dr. Susan Ryan Wellness March 26, 2020 ER doctor has comfort dog on the front lines to soothe health care workers during coronavirus
Allison Swendsen/Atlantic Health System Wellness March 26, 2020 Man holds sign at emergency room's window thanking hospital workers for saving his wife's life
Cleveland Clinic/Instagram Wellness March 25, 2020 The story behind this touching message from a COVID-19 patient who was recently discharged from an intensive care unit