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Wellness January 5, 2023

How to give yourself self-care one month at a time this year

WATCH: Step up your self-care by making walking part of your daily routine

Self-care goes beyond bubble baths and spa days and is really about finding ways every day, week and month to take care of yourself and develop healthy habits.

Dr. Jennifer Ashton, ABC News chief medical correspondent and a board-certified OBGYN, saw that firsthand when she made an initial New Year's resolution to do "Dry January," i.e. to give up alcohol for the month.

When she completed that challenge, she made a different challenge for herself in February and then one for March and every month after.

By December, she had completed an entire year of self-care challenges that didn't take time or money but left her with lasting habits.

"I was just interested in doing this [January] challenge and that challenge was so interesting and impactful to me that it kind of led to a second challenge and then a third challenge and so on and so forth," Ashton told "Good Morning America." "Over the course of the year I did largely develop 12 new habits that have the ability to impact health and wellness much more so in aggregate than they do individually."

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Ashton was so affected by the challenges she undertook herself that she compiled them -- along with her own experience with each challenge and the scientific reasons for the challenges -- in a book, "The Self-Care Solution: A Year of Becoming Happier, Healthier, and Fitter--One Month at a Time."

"The concept is that self-care goes way beyond the spa day, the stay-cation," she explained. "That absolutely can be a part of it but I look at self-care from a medical and social standpoint as things that we can do for ourselves that cost no money, that take only minutes and that really have the potential to have some impact on our health and wellness."

(MORE: Expert tips to stay on track with your New Year's resolutions)

"At this time of the year we see a lot of people try to do massive New Year’s resolutions. This is absolutely the opposite of that," Ashton said of the approach laid out in her book.

The small challenges Ashton recommends include everything from drinking more water every day to taking more steps to being more mindful of technology to trying meditation and stretching.

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Doing the challenges individually -- i.e. going meatless for one month instead of going meatless and dairy-free and alcohol free at once -- allows you to see how each individual change impacts your your health and how you can make it sustainable if you see a positive difference, according to Ashton.

"Even in the month where I felt I failed my wellness challenges, I learned something about myself that was really, really important," said Ashton. "I hope this [book] acts like a year-long template for people to turn that lens on themselves, see what they are doing, what they’re not doing, what they can add, what they can modify, what they can subtract, and hopefully keep some of them at the end of the year as wellness self-care habits."

Watch the videos below for inspiration from Ashton on setting a new self-care goal each month this year.

January -- No alcohol

ABC News' Dr. Jennifer Ashton shares the benefits – and not just physical – of giving up alcohol.

February -- Daily push-ups and planks

Dr. Jennifer Ashton on why these exercises should be in your daily routine.

March -- Daily meditation

ABC News’ Dr. Jennifer Ashton on why meditation should be part of your daily routine.

April -- Increased cardio

Dr. Jen Ashton breaks down the health benefits of cardio exercise. At the time of this filming, she was practicing public safety guidelines set forth by the CDC.

May -- Less meat, more plants

ABC News Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton dishes on the benefits of eating less meat and more plants in your diet.

June -- Hydration

ABC News Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton breaks down how much water you should be drinking and tips to stay hydrated.

July -- More daily steps

ABC News Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton shares how upping her step count helped reduce stress.

August -- Using technology mindfully

From a better night sleep to less stress, ABC Chief Medical Correspondent Dr. Jen Ashton breaks down the benefits of less screen time.

September -- Eating less sugar

From ketchup to yogurt, ABC News Dr. Jen Ashton unveils the hidden sugars in most American’s "healthy" diets.

October -- Daily stretching

ABC News Dr. Jen Ashton breaks down stretching and why it’s a great form of self-care.

November -- More sleep

According to ABC News, Dr. Jen Ashton getting enough quality sleep is one of the best forms of self-care.

December -- More laughter

ABC News Dr. Jen Ashton breaks down the health benefits of laughter and they’ll put a smile on your face.