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January 17, 2020

Already forgot your New Year's resolutions? Here are 4 tips to reset 2020

WATCH: How to give yourself self-care a month at a time in 2020

Welcome to GMA’s New Year, Best You. As we ring in the new year, we are sharing everything you need to start the new year strong. From keeping your New Year’s resolutions going to Instagram-worthy meal prep to workout programs to eating plans to taking time for yourself, we have it all covered.

A few weeks into January can be a time New Year's resolutions starts to die.

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Today, Jan. 17, has even become known as "Ditch New Year's Resolutions Day" because it's such a common time for resolutions to slowly fade away.

PHOTO: A woman lies down on a treadmill in an undated stock photo.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images
A woman lies down on a treadmill in an undated stock photo.

If you find yourself in that grind, it's not too late to reset, according to Dana Cavalea, author of "Habits of a Champion."

Cavalea trained some of the world's top athletes, including Derek Jeter, Alex Rodriguez and Mariano Rivera, in the 12 years he spent as the New York Yankees' performance coach.

(MORE: How to give yourself self-care one month at a time in 2020)

Here, in his own words, are Cavalea's four tips to keep your resolutions going and make this your best year yet.

Tip #1: Connect your goal to something bigger

Resolutions almost never work without a true commitment to something greater than vanity goals like making X more money or losing that 10 to 20 pounds you most desire.

You must create links and associations to those goals you desire.

Meaning: I am sluggish and tired most days. I am tired of being sluggish and tired since I know it is costing me my raise at work, the desire to exercise and get fit and the energy to play with my children.

So, if I start eating well, exercising even 20 minutes each day and drinking more water, I will then not be sluggish and tired most days.

(MORE: Terrible at New Year's resolutions? Try monthly micro-resolutions instead)

This translates consciously and subconsciously, too: By taking care of myself each day, I will have more energy, and as a result, I will work harder, be more productive, feel healthier, get that raise and lose that stubborn 20 pounds.

Just saying you want to lose weight or make more money and not connecting it to anything bigger never works. You must always link your goal to something bigger than just you.

Tip #2: Focus on one goal

We can only focus on one goal and one to two actions at a time max.

For example, say your singular health goal is, "I want to lose 10 pounds over the next 90 days."

Action one is, "I am going to do cardiovascular exercise Monday through Friday for 20 to 30 minutes before work."

PHOTO: Women run together in an undated stock photo.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images
Women run together in an undated stock photo.

Action two is, "Monday through Friday, I will not eat starch and sugar-based carbohydrates like bread, muffins and baked treats."

After 90 days, you will continue doing what you have been doing for your physical health goal, and use the same process again to work on your next set of goals (possibly career, business, family, relationships or faith).

Tip #3: Start with a health goal

I always believe in starting with health goals because if you feel better and look better, you will have the energy and excitement to do more. You will feel so energized and proud of yourself that you will be ready to take on the next set of goals.

Remember, nothing happens over night. Stay patient. The results will showcase themselves with consistent behaviors.

Tip #4: Remember these 4 steps

These are the steps that will take you places you have been dreaming of:

1. Plan for success by determining what it is you most desire and creating clear associations and action steps.

2. Schedule your daily actions (similar to the above example where Monday to Friday you will do your morning cardio and stay starch and sugar free).

3. Do it. Take action on those action steps daily. Do not miss your scheduled action. If something comes up and you have to miss it, make up for it on the weekend. Without consistent action, you will never form the habits you need to become a true goal-setting, resolution achieving champion.

4. Celebrate it. Not just the big victory, but each day that you take action. We love rewards. For many of use, just telling ourselves we did a great job and stuck with the plan is enough. We have to be our biggest fan. Celebrate the process, since the process gets us closer each day to our desired outcomes..

This story was originally published on Jan. 17, 2019.