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Flu Season

Latest Flu Season news and videos on GMA.

VIDEO: CDC warns of massive increase in flu infections, hospitalizations

CDC warns of massive increase in flu infections, hospitalizations

VIDEO: The latest uptick in this year's flu season

The latest uptick in this year's flu season

VIDEO: Growing concerns over rising flu cases and when you should get your shot

Growing concerns over rising flu cases and when you should get your shot

VIDEO: Why influenza cases dropped this year

Why influenza cases dropped this year

VIDEO: CDC reports major drop in flu cases

CDC reports major drop in flu cases

VIDEO: What South Africa's flu season could mean for the US this fall.

What South Africa's flu season could mean for the US this fall

VIDEO: Health agencies push for Americans to get flu shots

Health agencies push for Americans to get flu shots

VIDEO: CDC reports flu cases on rise as a second wave appears to hit

CDC reports flu cases on rise as a second wave appears to hit

VIDEO: How to stay healthy during flu season?

How to stay healthy during flu season?

PHOTO: Jade, a 4-year-old girl from Iowa, lost her vision after getting the flu.
Amanda Phillips

Girl, 4, loses vision after getting the flu. Now her mom is urging parents to vaccinate their kids.