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Style April 12, 2024

Skin care brands tell tweens not to buy their products

WATCH: Skin care brands tell tweens not to buy their products

While the social media craze surrounding skin care for tweens and teens has continued to rise, several popular brands are telling young skin enthusiasts to proceed with caution.

To put things into perspective, the hashtag #tweenskincare has skyrocketed over 49.5 million views on TikTok with no signs of slowing down.

Children as young as 10 and 13 are showing off their elaborate product hauls and skin care regimes on social media — with some going as far as to have nine-step routines.

Now, big name brands such as Drunk Elephant, Bubble, and more are warning children not to buy certain brands.

PHOTO: Tween doing skincare in an undated stock photo.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

Hugely in-demand label Drunk Elephant posted on social media last year that many of their products may not be safe for all kids and tweens skin — reminding Gen Alpha, that unless approved by a doctor, to stay away from their products containing acids and retinol — adding, "their skin does not need these ingredients quite yet."

Also, wildly popular skincare line Bubble, which markets itself to teens, put out disclaimers in January after releasing its exfoliating serum called Moon Walk earlier this year — saying, "Moon Walk is a gentle exfoliator, but all exfoliators are serious business. Don't exfoliate unless you're 14 or older. Younger faces can be more sensitive."

"Telling a marketplace, don't use this product if you're under a certain age ... certainly, that's responsible," vice president of BBB National Programs' National Advertising Division Laura Brett told "Good Morning America."

MORE: Dermatologist on tween and teen skin care picks to watch
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Skincare giant Kiehl's posted a new campaign in March including photos of children saying, "childhood goes by fast! Don't let your kids waste it on a 10-step skincare routine.

The post also included a caption saying, "Things kids shouldn't think about: taxes, mortgage rates and a 10-step skincare routine."

Also, Estee Lauder-owned brand, The Ordinary, echoed with a post reading, "Teens, you don't need ten steps."

For many teen and tween creators, the skincare craze has been a creative outlet and source of fun. However, one mother, Abbie Chowansky, told "Good Morning America" that navigating what products are appropriate for her daughter can be overwhelming.

Experts have said that with Gen Alpha getting in on the self-care frenzy, companies need to carefully weigh risks in marketing to the younger customers. It's also been noted to keep in mind that any products that are marketed for anti-aging are most likely not appropriate for tween skin.

As always, check with a doctor or dermatologist if you have questions.

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