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VIDEO: This mom creates dollhouses for a living

This mom creates dollhouses for a living

PHOTO: Ana Huang recommends 5 books to read on AANHPI Month
Courtesy of Ana Huang, @trcdesignsbycat

Ana Huang picks 5 books to read in celebration of AANHPI Month

PHOTO: Students at Richwoods High School hired a bagpiper to follow Richwoods Principal Billy Robison for a day as their senior prank.
Maggie Moore via Storyful

High school students hire bagpiper to prank principal

VIDEO: Pre-K students are fascinated by teacher's overhead projector

Pre-K students are fascinated by teacher's overhead projector

PHOTO: Sage, a miniature poodle, was named the 2024 best in show dog at the 148th Annual Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show.

Meet 2024 Westminster best in show dog Sage

VIDEO: Should you discuss your salary with friends and coworkers? This expert thinks so.

Should you discuss your salary with friends and coworkers? This expert thinks so.

PHOTO: Dr. Dorothy Jean Tillman II earned her doctoral degree in integrated behavioral health.
Courtesy of Arizona State University/W Scott Mitchell

Teen walks at graduation after completing doctoral degree at 17

VIDEO: A young pilot gets emotional on her flight with an all-female flight crew

A young pilot gets emotional on her flight with an all-female flight crew

VIDEO: Boy with congenital heart disease becomes train operator on World Wish Day

Boy with congenital heart disease becomes train operator on World Wish Day

PHOTO: Madison Crowell, an 18-year-old senior at Liberty County High School in Hinesville, Georgia, was accepted into over 230 schools and awarded over $14 million in scholarships.
Courtesy of Madison Crowell

High school senior accepted into 231 schools, awarded $14.7 million in scholarships