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PHOTO: LittleHoots announces the Hoots of the Week.

Funniest kid quips of the week

PHOTO: Angela Farnan, a primary charge nurse in the pediatric intensive care unit at OSF Children's Hospital of Illinois, adopted her son Blaze, 1, after caring for him in the ICU.
Courtesy Angela Farnan

Nurse adopts sweet baby she cared for in Illinois intensive care unit

PHOTO: Beth Loster is pictured with her daughter and husband.
Beth Loster

This mom KonMari-ed her life and here's what happened next

PHOTO: McKenna Shea Xydias, known to family and friends as Kenni, was diagnosed on Feb. 15, 2019 with Ovarian yolk sac tumor.
Courtesy The Xydias Family

Brave 2-year-old is fighting rare ovarian cancer as family holds onto hope: 'She's our hero'

PHOTO: Emma Mertens, 7, of Wisconsin, was diagnosed with a brain tumor on Jan. 23, 2019. Emma has been receiving letters from "dogs" around the world after her parents' friends kicked off a viral campaign.
Courtesy Geoff Mertens

Girl fighting brain tumor receives more than 50,000 letters from dogs around the world

PHOTO: Michaela Claire Meter at six months old with six ears of corn. Michaela Claire Meter at 12 months old with 12 cupcakes.
Courtesy Jonathan and Jessica Meter

Foodie couple’s creative way to mark their baby's monthly milestones

PHOTO: One-year-old Kairi Yang from Hickory, N.C., is the new Gerber Spokesbaby. Yang is the winner of this ninth annual photo search and will receive $50,000 for being the face of Gerber for the year.
Yang family via Gerber

New 2019 Gerber 'spokesbaby' marks another first for iconic baby food company

VIDEO: 4 long-lost sisters reconnect live on 'GMA'

4 women who learned they were sisters through DNA testing speak out: 'It was pretty mind-blowing'

VIDEO: How this boy contacted his dad for help will make your day

How this boy contacted his dad for help will make your day

VIDEO: Young sweethearts share their very first dance on Valentine's Day

Young sweethearts share their very 1st dance on Valentine's Day