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PHOTO: Lumi by Pampers new diapering system.

'Smart' diapers: Great idea or helicopter parenting from infancy?

PHOTO: Evelyn, 4, Susanna, 11, Mary Anson, 11 and Eleanor Tate, 7, sit outside their mother's Mississippi salon making and selling bracelets in hopes to raise money so their parents can adopt a baby.
Sidney Tate

4 sisters make and sell bracelets so parents can adopt a baby

PHOTO: As part of their new Hyde and Eek! Boutique, Target is releasing a line of kids' adaptive Halloween costumes.

Target releasing adaptive Halloween costumes for children with special needs

PHOTO: Jessica Johnston penned a viral post about female friendship.
Jessica Johnston

This viral post sums up the friend every mom needs

VIDEO: This 1-year-old loves the camera

This 1-year-old loves the camera

PHOTO: Elizabeth Jones had a cake fail for her second birthday.
Melin Jones

'Happy birthday loser!': 2-year-old's epic cake fail

PHOTO: Mike Julianelle with one of his children.
Mike Julianelle

Dad admits he can't hack it over summer break in viral post

PHOTO: 17-year-old Brady Hunker proposed to girlfriend Mollie Landman while battling a rare form of bone cancer
Wild Native Photography

Teen with cancer to wed high school sweetheart: 'We wanted to spend as much time together as we could'

PHOTO: Ashley Enright, 31 and Trisha Thompson, 30, discovered the news they were related after both took DNA tests and were predicted to be half-siblings.
Courtesy Ashley Enright

Women adopted from South Korea learn they're sisters and grew up 30 minutes apart

PHOTO: A package of baby wipes and a sweet note were found in a Chili's restroom.
Tiffany Daniels

This changing table note is a simple way to help another mom out