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PHOTO: Cailin Ryan attended the Sept. 19 hockey game where she met Gritty. The 8-year-old was dressed in a costume handmade by her mom, Patty Ryan.
Rebecca Werez

8-year-old dressed as Flyers mascot shares adorable dance with the actual Gritty

PHOTO: Rancho Cucamonga Fire District posted photos of 9 babies born to firefighters between March and July.
Rancho Cucamonga Fire District

9 firefighter dads pose for adorable photos with babies born 5 months apart

PHOTO: Anna Stacy Photography held a photo shoot with babies fed by tube.
Anna Stacy Photography

Tube-fed babies make for the most incredible 'fed is best' photo shoot

VIDEO: Toddler's 'goodbye' for mom will make every parent's heart soar

Toddler's 'goodbye' for mom will make every parent's heart soar

PHOTO: Harriet stuff monkey Rex stuffed corgi
Royal Collection Trust/© Her Majesty Queen Elizabeth II 2019

Australian girl reunited with toy monkey after losing it at Buckingham Palace

VIDEO: New video project follows the lives of pre-teens for 5 years

Video experiment tracking the lives of pre-teens shows confidence dips as kids age

PHOTO: Finn James Hill, lovingly nicknamed "Fighting Finn," was released from Nemours Children's Hospital in Orlando Florida, Sept. 10.
Lindsey Cassidy Photography

1-pound preemie who fought 100 days in NICU heads home after remarkable recovery

PHOTO: Dad Chris Scandridge filmed last week as his wife Somer Scandridge danced up the block in her giant, pink costume to greet 6-year-old Madison.
Chris Scandridge

Daughter cracks up as mom surprised her at bus stop dressed as unicorn

PHOTO: George Arison, right, and his husband Robert Luo welcomed their children, Luka and Emilia, in September 2019.
Courtesy George Arison

Couple welcomes two babies born 9 days and hundreds of miles apart

PHOTO: Lauren Fortenberry at her kids' birthday party.
Lauren Fortenberry

Mom's 'evolution' from Pinterest-perfect parties is a metaphor for motherhood