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PHOTO: Jack Young, son of Ashley and Pat Young, arrived at Woodwinds Hospital on Sept. 19 at 6:01 p.m. Hours later, his cousin Cooper Young, son of Felicia and Paul Young, was born at 11:49 p.m.
Felicia Young

'It wasn't planned': Twin brothers welcome baby boys hours apart

PHOTO: Family Housework
ABC News Photo Illustration

Mom and author creates 4 rules and a card game to divide household tasks for couples

PHOTO: A girl holds a gift at birthday party in this undated stock photo.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

The 'fiver' and other kids' birthday party trends

PHOTO: Jacob Pokorny, 7 of Mentor, Ohio, wears an Alien costume his mother Stephanie Pokorny crocheted for him by hand.
Crochetverse/Stephanie Pokorny

Mom crochets the most epic Halloween costumes for her boys

PHOTO: Madison Holley of Corunna, Ontario, shared an image of her former partner and current fiance exiting the hospital hand-in-hand with her toddler son, along with her newborn.
Madison Holley

Mom's viral photo of her blended family inspires what it means to co-parent

PHOTO: 8-year-old Sydney Elise Russell dances at Walt Disney World dressed as Princess Tiana.
Tiffany McKinnon Russell

8-year-old dressed like Princess Tiana wows Disney World crowd with her dancing

VIDEO: Couple surprises mom with Scrabble pregnancy announcement

Couple surprises mom with Scrabble pregnancy announcement

PHOTO: Emily Covington's post about scrunchies went viral on Facebook.
Emily Covington

Scrunchies are the new middle school crush gift

PHOTO: Maddie Kramer whose love for dancing and joy inspired her parents to create Dancing While Cancering.
Scott and Pammy Kramer

Their daughter’s memory brings smiles and dancing to kids with cancer at hospitals

PHOTO: Cousins Morris Sana and Simon Mairowitz reunited 75 years after feeling Nazis in Romania.
Courtesy Leetal Ofer

Cousins who survived the Holocaust reunite 75 years later during emotional meeting