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PHOTO: An Illinois mother was spooked when she saw this "ghost baby" in her son's crib on her baby monitor.
Courtesy Maritza Dominguez

Mom whose 'ghost baby' scare goes viral speaks on her 'silly parenting story'

PHOTO: Mom Tabithia Wilcox filmed as Seneca Whitehead joined the drumline at a local high school football game in Georgia.
Tabithia Wilcox

4-year-old's jaw-dropping drum skills viewed by millions on Facebook

PHOTO: Black Market Baby Formula:
ABC News Photo Illustration, Taichi_k

Why more moms are turning to 'black-market' baby formula

PHOTO: Volunteer Family of the Year
ABC News Photo Illustration

Meet the Disney and Points of Light Volunteer Family of the Year nominees

PHOTO: Caitlin Fladager and her four-year-old son.
Caitlin Fladager

Mom responds to being told she 'babies' her son in viral post

PHOTO: A viral Facebook post on friendship featured this photo.
Northern Colorado Moms Blog / Facebook

Viral post shows everyone can use #onthewayfriends now and then

PHOTO: A baby sleeps in a crib in an undated stock photo.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

Not all parents are following safe sleep practices for their babies: What to know

PHOTO: Ebonie Bender with her husband and baby, Kallie, who was born 15 weeks premature.
Ebonie Bender

Baby who weighed less than 1 pound at birth heads home after 150 days

PHOTO: A dad wrote a viral post to his former self.
Ted Gonder

Dad pens viral post to former 'childless self'

PHOTO: Lyndsey Raby of Tennessee, is pictured at her eptember 22 wedding with her great-grandmother, Kathleen Brown, her husband's grandmother, Joyce Raby, Lyndsey's grandmother Wanda Grant and her other grandmother, Betty Brown.
Natalie Caho Photography

Bride and groom have their 4 grandmothers serve as flower girls at their wedding