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PHOTO: Bottles of breast milk in a stock photo.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

'Weaning parties' could be the next big thing in parenting

PHOTO: Michael Clark Jr., from East Grand Rapids, Michigan, was so excited about his adoption day that he invited his entire kindergarten class to his adoption hearing.
Kent County, Michigan/Facebook

Kindergartner invites entire class to his adoption hearing in Michigan

PHOTO: Luna, a 2-week-old newborn, poses for her newborn photo shoot on Dec. 2, 2019.
Courtesy Justine Tuhy Photography LLC

This baby is not feeling it during her newborn photo session

PHOTO: Mary Chaote, a 7-year-old girl with autism loves trash day, she's part of the crew in Pearland, Texas.
Courtesy Kathy Choate

Texas girl who loves trash day becomes best friends with these unlikely community heroes

PHOTO: Danielle Cobo, a mom of two from Tampa, Florida, posed in a Christmas card photo with her twin boys and had her husband digitally placed in the image.
Shannon Sturgeon

Mom edits Christmas card photo to include military husband serving overseas

PHOTO: A young child carrying Christmas presents is depicted in this stock photo.
STOCK/Getty Images

Momtroversy: How many Christmas presents should you give your kids?

VIDEO: Family struggles to get kids to smile for Christmas photo

Family who went viral trying to get kids to smile for Christmas photo 'only getting weirder'

PHOTO: Among the group of physicians, nurses and administrative workers at St. Elizabeth's Healthcare in Kentucky, 18 of the women are now mothers.
St. Elizabeth's Healthcare

Hospital has 22 labor and delivery staffers pregnant at same time, now 18 are moms

PHOTO: Actress and comedian Casey Wilson talks to GMA about what she called "Motherhood Imposter Syndrome" in a recent New York Times parenting article, in an interview that aired on Dec. 2, 2019.

Mom of two says she suffered from 'motherhood imposter syndrome'

PHOTO: Button's 25-year-old daughter dared her to shovel snow dressed as a unicorn.
Jennifer Matherly Button via Storyful

This mom dressed as a unicorn to shovel snow and it was magical