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PHOTO: VIDEO: How to use baby talk the right way to get young kids talking

Is your baby a 'late talker'? Here's how to get them babbling using 'baby talk'

PHOTO: Casey Fields of Kilgore, Texas, and his daughter Lyla, 1, participated in the photo session shot by Jenn Floyd Photography.
Jenn Floyd Photography

Daddy and 1-year-old daughter wear tutus for sweetest photoshoot

VIDEO: How to prevent your baby from choking

How 1 mom's Instagram video saved another's child from choking

PHOTO: Sarah and Kevin Keast are pictured with their two daughters.
Sarah Keast

My family was ripped apart by addiction and mental illness. Here is my plea

PHOTO: Muhammad Haryz Nadzim, a nursery school student, had scored 142 on the Stanford-Binet IQ test and has officially become the youngest member of the Mensa high IQ society.
Nur Anira Asyikin

3-year-old is youngest member of Mensa IQ society -- and his mom says even she's impressed

PHOTO: Benjamin Holmgren (pictured with his wife in 2017) penned a viral post about marriage and fatherhood.
Benjamin Holmgren

'Put a smile on your face' says dad in viral post

VIDEO: Girl Scout uses YouTube cover of Lizzo’s ‘Truth Hurts’ to sell cookies

Girl Scout uses YouTube cover of Lizzo's 'Truth Hurts' to sell cookies

PHOTO: Tara Engelberg, 33, of Denver, Colorado, has often shared her infertility journey with over 2,000 followers. But it was her post on Jan. 13 that hit home for thousands.
Tara Engelberg

Photo of negative pregnancy test after '1,200 days of trying' hits home for thousands

PHOTO: Baby Anna is known as "Spike" or "Fluffy" to her family.
Courtesy of Lindsay Lattari

Baby 'with the good hair' rivals Becky, mom says

VIDEO: Little girl makeup wonder is back with a super bowl twist

Little girl channels favorite Chiefs player and the Super Bowl has never been this cute