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PHOTO: Baby Charlee Rose Masters was born on 02/02/20 at 20:02PM in Lexington, Ky.
Courtesy of Laken Masters

This baby was born on 02022020, a once-in-a-century palindrome day

PHOTO: Facebook's Messenger Kids has new features.

Facebook's Messenger Kids gets tighter controls: Here's everything parents need to know

PHOTO: After a year in the hospital, 6-year-old Dylan Nettles finally went home.
Children's Healthcare of Atlanta

After a year in the hospital, 6-year-old gets a heart and goes home

PHOTO: The opening title sequence for the stop-motion movie, "Toy Story 3 IRL," by Mason and Morgan McGrew released Jan. 25, 2020.
Toy Story 3 IRL/Youtube

Two brothers spent 8 years recreating 'Toy Story 3' shot for shot with real toys

VIDEO: This 2-year-old girl trying to read to her little sister is too cute

This 2-year-old girl trying to read to her little sister is too cute

VIDEO: Karma is real for this dad

Karma is real for this dad

PHOTO: Catriona McNicol's two-year-old daughter inspired a viral Twitter thread with this pedicure.
Catriona McNicol

Toddlers' DIY mishaps makes for a hilarious viral Twitter thread

PHOTO: Mom Micala Birmingham is sparking a debate on tweens and smartphone usage after she revealed in a New York Times article that her 11-year-old daughter was lost in New York City without a device on-hand.
Micala Birmingham

Mom reveals her 'phoneless 11-year-old' was 'lost in Manhattan and survived'

VIDEO: Mom's dancing baby videos are giving us life

Mom's dancing baby videos are giving us life

PHOTO:Vanessa Laine Bryant and Kobe Bryant on Dec. 14, 2019 in Los Angeles.
Kevin Mazur/Getty Images, FILE

Mom of 4 whose husband died at 41 shares letter with Vanessa Bryant