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VIDEO: Little boys crack themselves up trying to make fish faces

Little boys crack themselves up trying to make fish faces

VIDEO: Texas girl has perfect reaction to her first snowfall

Texas girl has perfect reaction to her first snowfall

PHOTO: A mother in Texas was seen inside the bathroom of a Hobby Lobby store making her child do pushups.
Courtesy Molly Wooden

Woman hails fellow mom's like-minded 'strong parenting' after viral photo of child doing pushups in public

PHOTO: Hilary Duff speaks during #BlogHer20 Health at Rolling Greens Los Angeles, Feb. 1, 2020, in Los Angeles.
Sarah Morris/Getty Images

Hilary Duff petitions to change the laws about photographing children in public

PHOTO: Joanna Bentley and her son.
Joanna Bentley

Mom uses Ring camera to bust people not stopping for school bus

VIDEO: Modern family: Women, children linked by same donor

Family of strangers linked by same sperm donor is definition of a modern family

PHOTO: Grady Witkowski in front of a stained class window during a photo session his mom, a photographer, held on the occasion of his 10th birthday.
Erin Witkowski

Mom's photos of son with Down syndrome change 'markers' to gold

PHOTO: Soncya Williams of Nashville, Tennessee, is wearing her cap and gown and embracing her little boy Elijah, who is holding a sign which reads "She did it for me!" in a photo that was snapped in 2014.
Montelewa Smith

Single mom inspires with sweet graduation photo hugging her son

VIDEO: Dad hears son's heartbeat in Build-A-Bear from organ recipient

Dad hears late son's heartbeat in teddy bear sent from donor recipient

PHOTO: Lane B Photography
My Sister's Keeper Birth and Midwifery helps a woman in labor.

Stunning photos of black women raise awareness about disparity in birth outcomes