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PHOTO: A classmate accused Rebecca Wen's son of contracting novel coronavirus- simply because he's Chinese American.
Rebecca Wen

Her son was bullied over his ethnicity. This mom turned it into a teachable moment for his classmates

VIDEO: This dad-daughter cheerleading stunt duo are some serious squad goals

This dad-daughter cheerleading stunt duo are some serious squad goals

PHOTO: An undated stock photo show children studying.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

Homeschooling during COVID-19: Why all kids may not need eight hours of instruction a day at home

VIDEO: This couple got a special coronavirus style 50th wedding anniversary

This couple got a special coronavirus style 50th wedding anniversary

PHOTO: An undated stock photo shows a child suing an iPad.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

American Academy of Pediatrics 'recognizes' kids will use more screens

VIDEO: Little boy reads a poem to his grandmother over FaceTime

Little boy reads a poem to his grandmother over FaceTime

PHOTO: Violet, 4, sits in front of her Long Island home beside a rainbow flower created to spread hope amid the coronavirus crisis.
Allyson Uttendorfer

Kids spread love with neighborhood rainbow art scavenger hunts amid coronavirus

PHOTO: Alfred Vecoli of Pawtucket, R.I., is treated to a parade of cars filled with family members in honor of his 92nd birthday, March 22, 2020.

Family surprises 92-year-old grandfather with birthday parade

VIDEO: This kindergarten teacher drops off supplies and a little bit of love as well

'My students still need me': Kindergarten teacher pays each kid a visit

VIDEO: Man sings outside nursing home window to longtime girlfriend

Man sings outside nursing home window to longtime girlfriend