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VIDEO: These preschool teachers for students with autism keep their classrooms connected

These preschool teachers for students with autism keep their classrooms connected

VIDEO: This little boy celebrated his 6th birthday with a caravan of friends and family

This little boy celebrated his 6th birthday with a caravan of friends and family

PHOTO: Kate Danielson created a clip chart for working parents.
Kate Danielson

Working mom's clip chart is the hilarious life hack we all need right now

PHOTO: Potty training toilet.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

Potty training is the trend for parents amid COVID-19 quarantine

PHOTO: Jai Najjar poses during his Quarantine 1st Birthday Party-themed photoshoot on April 3, 2020 in Perth, Australia.
Courtesy Kylie Najjar

This mom planned a 'Quarantine 1st birthday' photo shoot

PHOTO: Elizabeth Guthrie was greeted by dozens of pooches for a curbside birthday celebration on April 21, 2020, in her hometown of Greensboro, N.C.
Mary Guthrie

3-year-old gets dog parade for birthday during quarantine

PHOTO: Take Our Daughters and Sons to Work Day
Jennifer Ringberg

It's 'take our kids to work (from home) day'

PHOTO: Natalie Long, from Alberta, Canada, has crafted free, downloadable, COVID-19 time capsule activities for every age from babies to adulthood.
Natalie Long

Mom's coronavirus time capsule activity is what parents and kids need during quarantine

VIDEO: This toddler needed a little reassurance that she is loved

This toddler needed a little reassurance that she is loved

PHOTO: Sadira Gray of Richmond, Virginia, had her kids do chores in exchange for "money" to spend at her makeshift family movie night.
Sadira Gray

Mom’s genius hack has kids earn 'money' to spend at family movie night and we're stealing it