UIG via Getty Images, FILE Family July 8, 2020 Florida State University faces backlash for memo saying it will 'no longer allow employees' to care for kids while working remotely
The Woman’s Hospital of Houston Family July 6, 2020 Woman gives birth to healthy triplets after surviving COVID-19
Family July 6, 2020 Blogger highlights COVID-19 burden on families: 'You can have a kid or a job amid COVID-19, not both'
Art for Kids Hub Family July 6, 2020 These camping-themed art lessons are all your kid needs to keep busy all summer long
Instagram/kobi.nichols Family July 2, 2020 This 3-year-old giving his dad a 'checkup' is the cutest thing you’ll see today
Family July 2, 2020 Mom alleges in lawsuit she was fired for not keeping kids quiet while working from home
Play Family July 2, 2020 TikTok baby tries all kinds of tasty food and is totally adorable at the same time