Lifetouch/Brittany Kinley Family November 23, 2020 This yearbook photo 'mom fail' will make you laugh out loud
Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island, S.C. Family November 23, 2020 5 sisters from 2 families graduate Marine Corps training together
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ABC News Photo Illustration, Getty Images Family November 23, 2020 With politics and a pandemic keeping families apart, here's how to keep peace at Thanksgiving
Jamal Hinton Family November 20, 2020 Teen who met grandma from accidental text shares Thanksgiving plans after COVID-19 loss
Getty Images, STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images Family November 20, 2020 Fauci says Santa has 'innate immunity,' won't spread COVID-19 for Christmas
ABC Photo Illustration / Alex Gilbeaux Family November 19, 2020 As kids watch more YouTube, some parents consider deleting it all together
Michael Robison Family November 19, 2020 How adoption helped shape this modern family: 'Unconditional love is a choice we make'