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PHOTO: One-year-old Scarlett Wesling.
Ashley Fitz / Ashley Mae Photography

Baby in a cup of 'hot cocoa' is the sweetest thing you'll see this Christmas

VIDEO: Baby who ‘might never smile’ grins from ear-to-ear for Golden Girls

Baby who ‘might never smile’ grins from ear-to-ear for Golden Girls

PHOTO: Kara Lyn Giugliano documented her pregnancy test results.
Kara Lyn Giugliano

Woman documents fertility journey in moving viral TikTok video of test results

VIDEO: 12-year-old breaks down during piano performance after Dad recovers from COVID-19

12-year-old boy delivers tearful piano performance after dad returns from hospital

VIDEO: Single dad adopts baby with Down syndrome rejected by 20 families: ‘She is perfect’

Single dad adopts baby with Down syndrome rejected by 20 families: ‘She is perfect’

PHOTO: Trent Brown sang the national anthem in an impromptu performance at his son's high school basketball game in Waverly, Ohio.
Johnny Futhey

Dad surprises crowd with national anthem performance after sound system fails at basketball game

VIDEO: Cuteness alert: Mom and son sing Sesame Street chart topper together

Cuteness alert: Mom and son sing Sesame Street chart topper together

PHOTO: Monica and Josh Poynter, of Bowling Green, Kentucky, adopted Trey. The 9-year-old has the same rare, genetic disease as their biological son, Tag, 6.
Poynter family

Couple adopts boy with same rare disease as their biological son

PHOTO: A family walks behind a snowman they built in an undated stock image.
STOCK/Solstock/Getty Images

'Go build a snowman' superintendent says in heartwarming snow day announcement

PHOTO: Gwenna Laithland, creator the website Momma Cusses, asked her 360,000 followers to respond to the following: "Tell me you have kids...without telling me you have kids."
Gwenna Laithland

Parents join hysterical 'Tell me you have kids' challenge on TikTok