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VIDEO: 7-year-old battling three rare conditions still finds ways to smile

7-year-old fighting multiple health conditions brings smiles to millions on TikTok

VIDEO: Texas family builds their very own ice rink during the winter storm

Texas family builds their very own ice rink during the winter storm

VIDEO: 101-year-old pioneer honored with a diversity and inclusion grant in her name

101-year-old grocery store employee honored with a grant in her name

PHOTO: Nicole Walters (right) with her daughters Daya, Krissy, and Ally and her husband Josh (left).
Courtesy Nicole Walters

Why Nicole Walters quit her job, started a business and adopted 3 young sisters

PHOTO: On Jan. 29, 2-year-old Alaric Bridgeman walked inside Akron Children's Hospital in Akron, Ohio.
Akron Children’s Hospital

Emotional video shows 2-year-old walking again after being paralyzed

PHOTO: An undated stock photo shows a child suing am iPad.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

No devices in bedrooms and 8 more tips for keeping kids safe from online predators

PHOTO: School children wearing facemasks walk outside an elementary school.
AFP via Getty Images

Parents are holding kids back in school amid COVID-19: How to help them catch up

VIDEO: 4-year-old girl helping her dad shovel the snow is the best helper

4-year-old girl helping her dad shovel the snow is the best helper

PHOTO: Taylor Trotter of Grand Rapids, Michigan, and her 5-year-old Paisley have been execute their Black History Month project where Paisley portrays an influential person of color every day. Here, Paisley is seen dressed as Ruby Bridges.
Taylor Trotter

Mom dresses 5-year-old as Black trailblazers so she'll 'learn to love all of herself'

PHOTO: Christine Derengowski, a writer from Grand Blanc, Michigan, shared with her followers the unique perspective she said she gave her 7-year-old son when he was recently struggling with an assignment while online learning.
Christine Derengowski

'You and your friends are making history': Mom's post on virtual learning goes viral