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VIDEO: Cancer patient receives emotional surprise visit

Cancer patient receives emotional surprise visit

PHOTO: Kristen Mae, a staff writer at Scary Mommy from Melbourne, Florida, wrote a piece for the popular website titled, "Schools Should Absolutely Let Kids Resubmit Work And Retake Tests."
Kristen Mae

Mom says schools should let kids retake tests, especially amid pandemic

VIDEO: Baby is very unimpressed with mom’s singing

Baby is very unimpressed with mom’s singing

VIDEO: Brothers happy dance after discovering they’re going to Disney World

Brothers happy dance after discovering they’re going to Disney World

PHOTO: Megan Patterson, 32, is a neurology nurse at Bayfront Health St. Petersburg. In January and February, Patterson gave the first and second vaccine to her paternal grandmother, Susan Patterson, 80.
Megan Patterson

Nurse gives COVID-19 vaccine to her grandmothers

PHOTO: Starlyn and Bill Cafferata of Southwest Austin, welcomed their babies, Enzo, Lennon, Francesca and Stella on Jan. 18, 2021, prior to the Texas ice storm
Courtesy Starlyn and Bill Cafferata

Parents reunite with newborn quadruplets after Texas ice storm keeps them apart

VIDEO: Generous toddler shares meal with Mickey Mouse

Generous toddler shares meal with Mickey Mouse

VIDEO: Tethered toddler snowboards like a pro

Tethered toddler snowboards like a pro

VIDEO: Proud toddler enthusiastically herds flock of sheep

Proud toddler enthusiastically herds flock of sheep

VIDEO: This toddler's wintertime vibe is sending us

This toddler's wintertime vibe is sending us