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Family July 6, 2020

Woman gives birth to healthy triplets after surviving COVID-19

WATCH: Mom documents journey giving birth in a hospital during the pandemic

Maggie Sillero's pregnancy was full of surprises -- good and bad.

The Houston-based Sillero told "Good Morning America" she was shocked to find out she was having triplets.

"I really could not believe it, and I waited awhile to tell our extended family the news because I knew they wouldn’t believe it either. Multiples don’t run on my side of the family, but twins do run on my husband’s side," she said. "One week into my pregnancy I could actually feel something was changing, and I think that I just felt everything so intensely this pregnancy because there were three. My pregnancy symptoms were tripled."

Because her pregnancy was considered high risk, she was admitted to The Woman’s Hospital of Texas at 28 weeks to be monitored until the babies were born. Every patient is tested for COVID-19. Sillero was positive.

PHOTO: Triplets Adriel, Isabella and Nathaniel.
The Woman’s Hospital of Houston
Triplets Adriel, Isabella and Nathaniel.
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"I was really shocked. My family and I had been so careful and I hadn’t even left my house since March. I was mostly concerned about how it might affect my babies, and I was also worried about my husband and son, Alexander. My husband got tested after my results came back, and confirmed that he also had coronavirus," she told "GMA."

Sillero said she became more fearful after her diagnosis. "I already knew that my babies would arrive early, and with prematurity, there are complications," she said. "With COVID, I was worried they would face even more challenges. I got tested 5 times for COVID in the month at the hospital, and my babies were monitored every day. Getting to see the triplets every day really reassured me and made me feel better. The doctors and nurses were so compassionate. They kept telling me it was going to be OK."

Her doctor, Dr. Dolar S. Patolia, said she had to balance Sillero's health along with the babies' growth and well-being.

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PHOTO: Maggie Sillero and Dr. Dolar S. Patolia.
The Woman’s Hospital of Houston
Maggie Sillero and Dr. Dolar S. Patolia.

"Fortunately, when [one of the babies] showed signs indicating need for delivery, Maggie had just received her second negative test. Maggie is amazingly strong," Patolia said. She handled the news of her COVID diagnosis very well, Patolia said, and stayed strong through her entire hospital stay, even being isolated from her son and her family.

In a lucky coincidence, one of Sillero's nurses happened to be an old friend from middle school who she had lost touch with.

"It was so special to reconnect with her and for her to be the one caring for me. I kept experiencing little blessings like this throughout my time at The Woman’s Hospital of Texas," Sillero said.

The triplets, named Isabella, Nathaniel and Adriel, turned 1 month old on July 4. "Each of them have almost doubled their weight in this month, which is amazing. I’m so proud of them, they are fighters," Sillero said.

Her due date was July 30, and Sillero said she expected them to stay in the hospital until then. But one of the babies -- Isabella -- may go home this week.

"The year 2020 is important for all pregnant women, having to adjust and sacrifice through these tough times is something to be proud of," Sillero said. "Take it day by day and celebrate each accomplishment. You are not alone in this."