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Family May 27, 2019

This executive's viral post on work-life balance has us slow clapping

PHOTO: An undated stock photo of what appears to be an overworked business woman.
STOCK PHOTO/Getty Images

It's time to stop apologizing "for having lives."

That's according to Ian Sohn, the author of a now-viral post on LinkedIn. He's a company president, a father and "deeply resent[ful] how we’ve infantilized the workplace."

He wrote, in part:

"I never need to know you’ll be back online after dinner.

I never need to know why you chose to watch season 1 of 'Arrested Development' (for the 4th time) on your flight to LA instead of answering emails.

I never need to know you’ll be in late because of a dentist appointment. Or that you’re leaving early for your kid’s soccer game.

I never need to know why you can’t travel on a Sunday.

I never need to know why you don’t want to have dinner with me when I’m in your town on a Tuesday night.

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I never need to know that you’re working from home today because you simply need the silence."

Sohn wonders why "we don’t trust adults to make the right decisions" and "how constant connectivity/availability (or even the perception of it) has become a valued skill."

(More: I completed 48 tasks before I got to work in the morning — I'm far from alone)

The comments are overwhelmingly positive. "You are a true leader and anyone who has the opportunity to work with you is damn lucky," wrote one person,

Several people commented on how even though they have supervisors who do subscribe to Sohn's way of thinking now, past experiences have left them scarred.

"It's a daily chore to remind myself that I work for a great boss that understands this... and who has given me no reason to question myself or my abilities, but has praised my efforts and successes," wrote Jacon Tibbets, who works in sales. "My last job left me with such PTSD, I'm constantly having an internal dialogue over-explaining my daily/weekly schedule as if it would ever come into question."

Vivian Santiago-Alvarez responded, "I am with you, Jacob. One of my prior employers did the same thing to me. I had to explain why I wanted to work from home or take a day off or why I did what I was doing. I was petrified to ask for a day off or even to leave early."

There's hope for change following Sohn's post. "This was incredible," commented agency owner Mike Teixeira. "Seriously contemplating using this as a 'company policy' page at my new company."