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Family July 20, 2020

'There is no right decision about school this year' says mom in viral post

WATCH: Parents considering 'pandemic pods' ahead of schools reopening

Parents are feeling some type of way right now.

If we send our kids to school, we’re “selfish."

If we keep them home, we’re “living in fear."

We know our choice will not please everyone— but we’re trying not to care and instead just focus on what’s best for our kid. But we’re not even sure what that is because we’re just so conflicted.

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We’ve been trying to enjoy this extra time with our kids but our newest thief of joy is uncertainty.

We’re offered strong opinions from others not even in our position.

And if we’re honest, we’re pretty much over it. Some of us have already decided; for some it was decided for us and some, like me, are sitting right smack dab in the middle of indecision.

The reality is, some families will be giving up an income and financial stability. Some will go to work, whether by choice or mere necessity, and will still be judged harshly. Some parents will try to balance full-time work from home and distance learning, which seems almost impossible to me.

Many have, and will, shed tears and mourn plans when no one is looking and then pull it together just as quickly.

There’s a decision to be made, but there’s no “right” one.

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My kids won’t hear the complaint when I push my career aside.

The work-outside-the-home mom’s kids likely won’t see the weight she’s carrying.

The work-from-home dad won’t let anyone know the pressure he’s under.

We know we’d do anything for our kids, no matter the sacrifice, but we did not sign up for this.

No one did.

So if you hear a parent voice their choice that’s different than yours, please do not make them feel worse. Give them some grace because I can promise you, we parents are already feeling some type of way.

Whitney Ballard is a writer and a mom of two boys. She lives in Alabama and her work can be found on Facebook, Instagram and her blog. This post originally appeared on her social media accounts and has been shared here with permission.