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Family April 2, 2019

This little boy with a rare bone issue giving positive affirmations is all we need

WATCH: This little boy with a rare bone issue giving positive affirmations is all we need

Sometimes, all you need is a little pep talk to get you through the tough times.

Three-and-half year old Sammy Silver gives them to himself, but anyone who sees the video of his positive affirmations will surely be inspired to do the same.

The little boy was born with the genetic condition osteogenesis imperfecta, or brittle bones. His mom, Allison Silver, from Brooklyn, Connecticut, told "Good Morning America" he was born with a broken skull and bones and has endured dozens of fractures since then.

"The doctors called him a 'glass baby,'" she said, referring to the extreme care his parents and medical staff would have to take with even the simplest things, like dressing Sammy.

PHOTO: Sammy Silver as a baby.
Allison Silver
Sammy Silver as a baby.

These days, Silver said, Sammy fears medical appointments. Even drawing blood can leave him with a fractured bone.

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So his mom took to giving Sammy positive affirmations. Now he does them for himself.

In a recent video posted to his Instagram Strength for Samuel, he can be heard saying "I tough, I brave, I strong, I Sammy Silver!"

The positivity seen in the video is not an anomaly, his mom told "GMA."

"He is the happiest boy you will ever meet," she said. "He's so silly and always makes us laugh. He wakes up and says "where is Sammy going today? What is Sammy doing today?'" His mom has a blog that documents the Silvers' life.

PHOTO: Three-year-old Sammy Silver of Brooklyn, Connecticut.
Allison Silver
Three-year-old Sammy Silver of Brooklyn, Connecticut.

While Sammy has a lot to be happy about, he certainly gets at least some of his positive disposition from his parents.

"From Day One we always look for the positive in every situation," Allison Silver told "GMA." Sammy has had 40 fractured bones and six surgeries but, his mom said, she and her husband "keep a smile on our faces and let him know that the sun will still shine today."

PHOTO: Sammy Silver of Brooklyn, Connecticut.
Allison Silver
Sammy Silver of Brooklyn, Connecticut.

Sammy loves ice cream, swimming, dancing and singing, his mom said. "No matter what kind of a disability you have, whether physical or cognitive, you can have an amazing life," she said.

Silever told "GMA" being Sammy's mom has "changed her perspective on everything."

She added, "We feel deeply feel blessed we were chosen to be his parents and be part of his life."