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Ray White

Ray White is a Digital Producer for Good Morning America and ABC News. Get Ray White's latest videos.

Ray White

Ray's Latest Work

Dedicated mom trains football with her son

Dedicated mom trains football with her son

Capt. Theresa Claiborne, the first Black woman to fly with the U.S. Air Force, marked the end of an inspiring career with her final United Airlines flight.
Capt. Theresa Claiborne

Pioneering 1st Black female pilot makes her retirement flight

VIDEO: Black women are showing off their creative Lego sets with this new TikTok trend

Black women are showing off their creative Lego sets with this new TikTok trend

VIDEO: I'm a 27-year-old cancer patient. Here are 3 things I've learned about myself

I'm a 27-year-old cancer patient. Here are 3 things I've learned about myself

VIDEO: These student-athletes learn empowerment and acceptance with the power of wrestling

These New York student-athletes learn empowerment, acceptance with power of wrestling

VIDEO: I'm a 27-year-old cancer patient and here is what I wish I knew before my diagnosis

I'm a 27-year-old cancer patient and here is what I wish I knew before my diagnosis

VIDEO: This talented harpist is giving the classical instrument a modern sound

This talented harpist is giving the classical instrument a modern sound

VIDEO: This family of musicians wants to spread love with their brand of soul music

This family of musicians wants to spread love with their brand of soul music

VIDEO: Meet the 16-year-old who is the youngest teacher in America

Meet the 16-year-old who is the youngest teacher in America

VIDEO: Husband has loved brushing his wife’s afro throughout their 26 year marriage

Husband has loved brushing his wife’s afro throughout their 26 year marriage