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Travel October 20, 2023

Good Morning America Disney 'Wish' Contest | Official Rules

PHOTO: Enter the Good Morning America Disney 'Wish' Contest
Enter the Good Morning America Disney 'Wish' Contest



Eligibility Guidelines: Contest sponsored by Good Morning America ("GMA") and American Broadcasting Companies, Inc. (“ABC”) (collectively, the "Sponsors").

To enter the Good Morning America Disney “Wish” Contest ("Contest"), entrant (“Entrant”) must be a legal United States resident residing in the forty-eight (48) contiguous United States or the District of Columbia and twenty-one (21) years old or older at time of entry. Any individuals (including but not limited to employees, consultants, independent contractors, and interns) who have, within the past six months, performed services for the Sponsors, Walt Disney Studios Motion Pictures ("Studio"), EURODISNEY ASSOCIES SAS (“Park”), any organizations responsible for sponsoring, fulfilling, administering, advertising or promoting the Contest or supplying the Grand Prize, and their respective parent, subsidiary, affiliated and successor companies, (hereinafter collectively referred to the “Released Contest Parties”), and immediate family members and household members of such individuals, in each case, are not eligible to enter. "Immediate family members" shall mean parents, step-parents, children, step-children, siblings, step-siblings, or spouses. "Household members" shall mean people who share the same residence at least three months a year. A potential winner may be required to provide proof of elligbility prior to receipt of Grand Prize. Void in Alaska, Hawaii and where prohibited or restricted by law.

Contest Entry Period: The Contest entry period begins at 7:00 a.m. Eastern Time ("ET") on October 20, 2023 and ends at 4:59 p.m. ET on November 3, 2023 (the "Contest Period"). Sponsors’ computer is the official clock for this Contest. How to Enter: To enter, navigate the Internet to and click on the link for the Contest which will take you to the Contest home page. There you will find instructions on the appropriate and acceptable file formats and sizes for submitting your entry electronically.

Entry: Submit an essay of up to two hundred (200) words in length describing why you deserve the most magical trip of a lifetime (the “Essay”). You must also include a photo (required) (the “Photo”) of yourself and your “family”. Essay must be submitted in English. Only one (1) entry per person is allowed.

The Entrant must not have been convicted of a felony. By entering, the Entrant understands and agrees that, if selected as the potential Winner (defined below), the Entrant will be required to consent to a background check; and, failure to sign such consents and authorizations and/or to furnish all required information will result in disqualification. Such background check may include (but is not limited to) investigation of employment history, criminal or other arrest or conviction record, and any other factor deemed relevant by the Released Contest Parties to help ensure that any potential winner will not, in the Released Contest Parties’ sole discretion, bring Released Contest Parties into public disrepute, contempt, scandal or ridicule or reflect unfavorably on Released Contest Parties. If requested, the potential winner agrees to sign waiver forms authorizing the release of personal and background information. Prize will not be awarded until all such properly executed forms are returned. Additionally, any guests of the winner who are above the age of majority must also consent to a similar background check as a condition of accompanying the winner.

Incomplete entries will be disqualified. Proof of entering information at the Contest website or registration form is not considered proof of delivery to or receipt by Sponsors of such entry. Personal information collected in connection with this Contest will be used in accordance with’s privacy policy, available at

Essay Guidelines: Based on Sponsors’ sole judgment and discretion, Essays cannot (a) include or depict anyone eighteen (18) years of age or younger without the permission of such person’s parent or legal guardian; (b) be sexually explicit or suggestive; threatening; profane; violent; derogatory of any ethnic, racial, gender, religious, professional or age group or sexual orientation; pornographic, contain nudity or any materially dangerous activity; (c) promote alcohol, illegal/prescription drugs, tobacco, firearms/weapons (or the use of any of the foregoing), any activities that may appear unsafe or dangerous, or any particular political or religious agenda or message; (d) be obscene, offensive, or endorse any form of hate or hate group; (e) contain trademarks, logos or trade dress owned by others, or advertise or promote any brand or product of any kind (other than the Sponsors’, Park’s, and Studio’s), or contain any personal identification (other than as related to the Entrant), such as license plate numbers, personal names, email addresses or street addresses; (f) contain copyrighted materials owned by others without permission; (g) contain materials embodying the names, likenesses, photographs, or other indicia identifying any person, living or dead, without permission; (h) contain advertising or commercial messages of any kind owned by anyone other than Sponsors, Park’s, or Studio’s; (i) criticize Released Contest Parties or any other Entrant; (j) contain any recruiting information of any kind; and (k) depict, and cannot itself be in, violation of any law. Essay may not promote any cause, be it religious, political, corporate, charitable or otherwise, other than the Entrant themself.

Photo Guidelines: Based on Sponsors’ sole judgment and discretion, in addition to the Essay Guidelines above, each Photo must meet the following (a) Photo must show only the Entrant and their family; (b) Entrant must be the rightful owner of the Photo or must have the rights, title and interest necessary to utilize the Photo for purposes of this Contest in compliance with these Official Rules; (c) Photo must comply with the technical submission requirements (e.g. size, format) for the Website and must comply with the Website’s Terms of Use; (d) Photo must NOT contain any material that infringes or violates any right of a third party including copyright, patent, trademark, trade secret or other proprietary rights; (e) Photo must NOT contain subject matter which is, or could be considered, in the sole discretion of the Released Contest Parties, to be obscene, pornographic, violent (e.g., relating to murder, the sales of weapons, cruelty, abuse, etc.), defamatory, libelous, discriminatory (based on race, sex, religion, natural origin, physical disability, sexual orientation or age), illegal (e.g., illegal gambling, underage drinking, substance abuse, computer hacking, etc.), offensive, threatening, profane, hateful, degrading, harassing, or otherwise unlawful, tortious or objectionable; (f) Photo must NOT contain any content that is protected by copyright (without the express prior written consent of the owner of such right), including any recognizable locations or include names and/or descriptions of any copyrighted media production, including, without limitation, films, books, television programming, etc., or identifying descriptions of any media property; and (g) Photo must NOT contain any derogatory references to any of the Released Contest Party. By submitting an entry you warrant and represent that: (a) it is your original work, (b) it has not been previously published, (c) it has not received previous awards, (d) it does not infringe upon the copyrights, trademarks, rights of privacy, publicity or other intellectual property or other rights of any person or entity; (e) you have obtained permission from each and every person who appears in the Essay/Photo (including parental/legal guardian permission for any person under eighteen (18)) or whose name or likeness is used in the entry, if any, and (f) publication of the Essay/Photo via various media including Sponsors’ website(s) and social media channels will not infringe on the rights of any third parties. Entrants agree to defend, indemnify and hold harmless, Released Contest Parties from any claims to the contrary. Note: Sponsors reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any entry in the Contest if Sponsor views the Essay/Photo as potentially infringing or otherwise a violation or potential violation of a third party’s rights or if it deems the Essay/Photo to be lacking in taste, quality, or to be otherwise objectionable. Sponsors may post Essay/Photo, in whole or in part, without attribution to Entrant; and Sponsors may edit, alter and make derivative works from Essay/Photo and/or add comment/content to posted Essay/Photo, all without compensation to or consent from the Entrant.

Judging Procedure and Notification: Eligible entries will be judged by designated staff of Sponsors, Park and Studio on the basis of the following criteria: (1) compelling nature of story (50%), (2) on-air appeal (25%), and (3) originality (25%). In the case of a tie, the winner will be the entry with the highest score in originality. Decisions of the judges are final as to all Contest-related matters. As part of the judging process, judges may contact Entrants to request additional information in assessing potential for on-air appeal and compelling nature of the Entrant’s story. The entries will be ranked based on judging criteria and the entry with the highest overall score will be declared the potential Grand Prize Winner (“Winner”). The Winner will be notified by email, phone or on a live broadcast of “Good Morning America” on about November 15, 2023 that they have been selected as a potential winner of the Grand Prize (“Grand Prize”). The potential Winner has twenty-four (24) hours to acknowledge the notification of Sponsors’ selection of their entry as the Winner. Upon satisfaction of all rules and conditions, the Winner may accept the Grand Prize.

To claim Grand Prize: (a) Winner must provide proof of age, identity and residency; (b) Winner must sign and return required affidavits of eligibility/compliance with rules, publicity/liability release and indemnification, and (c) Winner must also agree to complete and submit any additional releases, indemnifications and other requisite paperwork as specified at the discretion of the Sponsors, all within the time period specified by Sponsors.

In the event the Entrant is deemed ineligible or fails to comply with Contest procedures, then the first runner-up will be selected as a potential Winner, time permitting, or Sponsors reserve the right to terminate the Contest at their discretion.

Grand Prize:

One (1) Grand Prize is available. The Grand Prize consists of a four (4) day/three (3) night trip for the winner and up to three (3) guests to Paris, France to visit Disneyland® Paris. The Grand Prize includes: a) round trip economy class airfare for the Grand Prize winner and three (3) guests from a major airport near winner’s residence (as determined at the sole discretion of Sponsor) to Paris, France; b) three (3) nights hotel accommodations (one room, quad occupancy) at Disney’s Hotel New York – The Art of Marvel hotel including breakfast daily; c) four (4) day park tickets for winner and up to three (3) guests for both Disney® Parks; d) local ground transporation in Paris as determined by Sponsors; e) food vouchers for lunches and dinners (subject to the terms and conditions printed on the vouchers); and f) $3630 in the form of the check to help offset any income tax liability. The approximate retail value (“ARV”) of the Grand Prize is $14,306.25.

Guests must be eight (8) years of age or older. The winner and their guests (“Guest” and together with the winner, the “Group”) must travel together on the same itinerary, as chosen by Sponsors and relevant prize providers. Once selected by winner, Guests cannot be changed without the express consent of Sponsors and relevant prize providers, which may be withheld for any reason. Any minor guest must be the child/legal ward of the winner. Sponsor may require Grand Prize winner and their guests to provide proof of a valid Passport prior to ticketing of the Grand Prize.

Winner is responsible for all elements of the Grand Prize not specifically described herein including, but not limited to, baggage charges, meals, hotel room service, laundry service, alcoholic beverages, merchandise, souvenirs, etc., local and long distance telephone calls, tips, gratuities, service charges or taxes and all other charges and items not otherwise described above.

The actual value of the Grand Prize may vary depending on point of departure and fluctuations of rates and airfares (if applicable). If the actual value of the Grand Prize is less than the ARV stated herein, the difference will not be awarded. Theme parks, attractions and other offerings are subject to availability, closures, change or cancellation without notice or liability. Park admission, offerings and ticket options are not guaranteed. An inherent risk of exposure to COVID-19 exists in any public place where people are present. By accepting and using the Grand Prize, the winner and guests voluntarily assume all risks related in any way to exposure to COVID-19, and any other communicable or infectious disease. The winner and guests must comply with all theme park rules and regulations (for more information go to, including any public health restrictions. Failure to do so may result in forfeiture of such portion(s) of the prize. Sponsors and relevant prize providers reserves the right to remove or deny entry to the winner and/or any guest who do not comply with any health restrictions imposed by any government, or Sponsors and Park. The winner and guests are also responsible for understanding and complying with any COVID-19 travel restrictions. The winner and their guests will be required to execute a liability/publicity/COVID-19 release and waiver form prior to booking of any travel. The winner and guests may be required to execute and return, where legal, publicity releases, which must be returned with the verification documents requested of winner.

Grand Prize is not redeemable for cash or transferable, except to a surviving spouse residing in the same household. No substitutions allowed except, at Sponsor’s sole discretion, a prize, or prize element, of equal or greater value may be substituted. Certain prize items are subject to availability and may be substituted by Sponsor for a different item of greater or equal value, in its sole discretion.

Federal, state, and local taxes associated with the receipt or use of the Grand Prize, if any, are the sole responsibility of the Winner. Winner must provide a validly completed IRS Form W-9 to the Sponsors. An IRS Form 1099 reflecting the final actual value of any Grand Prize valued at $600 or more, if required by law, will be issued to the Winner by the Sponsors. The final value of the Grand Prize will be determined at the sole discretion of the Sponsors based upon elements used to fulfill the Grand Prize. ARV of Grand Prize may vary depending on point of departure, travel dates and fare/rate fluctuations.

Trip must be taken on dates designated by Sponsor. Travel must take place on Sponsor designated dates between November 15, 2023 and November 18, 2023. Dates of departure and return are subject to change at Sponsor’s sole discretion. If winner is unable to participate in the trip during the dates designated by Sponsor, the Grand Prize will be forfeited in its entirety. In the event the Grand Prize winner is able to participate in the trip during the dates designated by Sponsor but any element of the Grand Prize listed in the Grand Prize description does not or cannot take place as scheduled or at all, for reasons including but not limited to scheduling conflicts, cancellations, postponement, or for any other reason, then Sponsor reserves the right to award the remainder of the Grand Prize with no further obligation to the winner. Excepting the preceding sentence, no cash alternative or prize substitutions will be allowed, except Sponsor reserves the right to substitute prize(s) of comparable value if a prize listed or any portion thereof is unavailable for any reason.

All details and other restrictions of Grand Prize not specified in these Official Rules will be determined by Sponsor in its sole discretion.

Choice Of Law: All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of entrant and/or Released Parties in connection with the Sweepstakes, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of the State of New York, without regard for conflicts of law doctrine of New York or any other jurisdiction, and all proceedings shall take place in the City of New York, County of New York.

Additional Terms and Conditions: The Winner may appear in segments on “Good Morning America”, as determined by the Sponsors. All videotaped and live production will be determined at the sole discretion of the Sponsors. Any appearance on Good Morning America is subject to availability. Sponsors are not responsible for cancellation or preemption of show or for other circumstances that make it impractical or impossible to fulfill this element of the Grand Prize. The appearance portion of the Grand Prize has no ARV and if it becomes impractical or impossible to fulfill this or any element, Sponsors’ only obligation will be to provide the remainder of Grand Prize, if any. Releases: By participating, the Entrants agree to be bound by these official rules and the decisions of the Sponsors/Judges, which shall be final in all respects. By entering the Contest, Entrants agree to execute in a timely manner and by any deadline set by Sponsors any and all paperwork requested by the Sponsors which may include, but is not limited to, background checks and any release forms, prior to any online or on air appearance of Entrants participating in a videotaped or live broadcast, or use of Entrants’ submissions or related materials.

All submissions will become the sole property of the Sponsors, which may reprint or otherwise exploit the entries in any manner, in any media, worldwide, in perpetuity.

By participating in this Contest and accepting any Grand Prize that they may win, Entrants agree to release, defend, indemnify, and hold harmless the Sponsors, Studio, Park, their parent, subsidiary, affiliated and successor companies, licensees, advertising and promotion agencies and prize suppliers, and each of their respective officers, directors, agents, representatives and employees, as well as each of their respective successors, representatives and assigns (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from, but not limited to, any and all actions, complaints, claims, injuries, liabilities, fees (including reasonable attorney’s fees), royalties, costs, losses or damages arising in any manner, directly or indirectly, by whomever or wherever asserted, from (1) Entrants’ participation in the Contest, (2) Sponsors’ exercise of the rights granted herein and/or (3) the acceptance, use or misuse of any Grand Prize or portion of any Grand Prize. Sponsors are not obligated to use any of the above mentioned information or materials, but may do so and may edit such information or materials, at Sponsors’ sole discretion, without further obligation or compensation to the Entrants, or any other affiliated party. By submitting materials hereunder, you hereby grant to the Sponsors, Park and Studio and each of their respective successors, representatives and assignees the exclusive right to use and distribute your submission, as well as your likeness, picture, voice, name and biographical material (all such materials are sometimes collectively referred to as the “Materials”) in any and all manner, methods, formats and media now known or hereafter created, including without limitation, all forms of television, radio, internet, cable, satellite, wireless applications, home video products and devices, etc., in connection with the Contest, GMA, ABC’s programming, and in all advertising and promotion for the foregoing, throughout the universe, in perpetuity.

Entrants acknowledge that any entry materials may be included and/or discussed in a broadcast, that such discussion may include statements or opinions by the broadcast talent or others about the Entrants’ and/or the materials, and that those statements and opinions may be considered surprising, humiliating, embarrassing, derogatory, defamatory or otherwise offensive or injurious to them, Sponsors’ employees, their studio or at-home audience and/or other third parties. Entrants release the Released Parties from any actions, claims, injury, loss or damage allegedly caused, directly or indirectly, by any such statements or opinions made during a broadcast.

Sponsors are not responsible for failed, partial or garbled computer transmissions, or for technical failures of any kind, including but not limited to electronic malfunction or damage of any network, hardware or software. If for any reason the Contest is not capable of running as planned, including infection by computer virus, bugs, tampering, unauthorized intervention, fraud, technical failures, or other causes that corrupt or affect the administration, security, fairness, integrity or proper conduct of the Contest, Sponsors reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process, and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Contest. No responsibility is assumed for any error, omission, interruption, deletion, defect, delay in operation or transmission, communications line failure, theft or destruction or unauthorized access to, or alteration of, entries; or any problems or technical malfunctions of any telephone network or lines, computer online systems, servers, or providers, computer equipment, software, failure of any e-mail or electronic entry to be received on account of technical problems or traffic congestion on the Internet or at any Web-site, or any combination thereof, including any injury or damage to any person’s computer related to or resulting from participation in or downloading any materials from this Contest. In the event of any dispute concerning the identity of any Entrant/ Winner, the entry will be deemed submitted by the natural person who is the authorized holder of the transmitting e-mail account, as long as such person is otherwise eligible in accordance with these Official Rules. “Authorized account holder” is defined as the natural person who is assigned to an e-mail address by an Internet access provider, online service provider, or other organization (e.g., business, educational institution, etc.) that is responsible for assigning e-mail addresses for the domain associated with the submitted e-mail address. Miscellaneous; Winner Posting: Void where prohibited. All federal, state and local laws and regulations apply.

Sponsors reserve the right, in their sole discretion, to disqualify any individual who tampers with the entry process and to cancel, terminate, modify and/or suspend the Contest in the event of tampering or other circumstances, including but not limited to acts of God or civil disturbance that render it impractical or impossible to complete or fulfill the Contest as originally planned.

Official rules will be posted on For a winner's list, send a self-addressed stamped envelope to: Good Morning America Disney “Wish” Contest Winner, c/o ABC News, 47 West 66th Street, 6th Floor, New York, New York, 10023, no later than six (6) weeks after the Contest Period.