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Herstory Lessons

Good Morning America's Herstory Lessons, hosted by ABC News Correspondent Deborah Roberts, explores the lives of historical and living women who are hidden figures in our national lore.

VIDEO: Sedona Prince and Dominique Dawes break down ‘herstory’ of Title IX, women's sports

Herstory Lessons: Title IX and the fight for women’s equality in sports

VIDEO: The story of one woman who shaped Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision

The story of one woman who shaped Martin Luther King Jr.'s vision

VIDEO: Herstory Lessons: One woman fights to improve the lives of others with disabilities

This woman was the first wheelchair rider to become a teacher in New York City

VIDEO: Meet the fearless labor activist who coined the positive protest slogan “Si Se Puede”

Meet the fearless labor activist who coined the positive protest slogan 'si se puede'

VIDEO: Herstory Lessons: Female pilot was prepared to give her life to stop the 9-11 attacks

Herstory Lessons: Female pilot was prepared to give her life to stop the 9-11 attacks

VIDEO: Herstory Lessons: Women can now fight alongside men thanks to former US Marines

Women can now fight alongside men thanks in part to this former US Marine Captain

VIDEO: The inspiring story of the first black female reporter for The Washington Post

The inspiring story of the first black female reporter for The Washington Post