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Climate Change

Latest Climate Change news and videos on GMA.

VIDEO: How climate change is impacting Antarctica

How climate change is impacting Antarctica

VIDEO: Compromise met at COP26 conference to reduce carbon emissions

Compromise met at COP26 conference to reduce carbon emissions

VIDEO: 'GMA' just hours away from landfall in Antarctica

'GMA' just hours away from landfall in Antarctica

VIDEO: How Iceland is fighting climate change with carbon dioxide

How Iceland is fighting climate change with carbon dioxide

VIDEO: 'GMA' heads to Antarctica to report on the Earth's changing climate

'GMA' heads to Antarctica to report on the Earth's changing climate

VIDEO: Climate crisis in India: Saving tomorrow

Climate crisis in India: Saving tomorrow

PHOTO: Vegetables are seen in containers at the salad bar inside a Sweetgreen Inc. restaurant in Boston, Oct. 24, 2017.
Bloomberg via Getty Images, FILE

4 ways to combat climate change with a fork

VIDEO: How 'wish-cycling' can negatively affect recycling

How 'wish-cycling' can negatively affect recycling

VIDEO: Maldives turn to climate change solutions to survive

Maldives turn to climate change solutions to survive

VIDEO: How New York is fighting to protect city from rising flood threats

How New York is fighting to protect city from rising flood threats