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Living March 17, 2020

#Quarantinelife trending across social media

WATCH: #Quarantinelife trending across social media as Americans adjust to staying home

Welcome to #QuarantineLife.

As millions of Americans begin adjusting to staying at home for at least the next several weeks, the hashtag "QuarantineLife" was the top trending topic on Twitter Monday morning.

With the number of national cases now reaching 4,100, President Donald Trump and his coronavirus task force on Monday issued new, stricter guidelines to stop the spread of the disease. The guidelines call on Americans to avoid gatherings of more than 10 people; avoid eating and drinking in bars, restaurants, and public food courts; and encouraging schooling from home across the country.

Thousands of social media users shared photos, videos and gifs -- seeming to take the changes to daily life in stride.

Editor's Picks

Making the most of things

Bryan Namba says now he knows how Ariel felt in Disney’s "The Little Mermaid".

Trying to play my part and stay home, but now I know how Ariel felt. #QuarantineLife

— Bryan Namba (@bryantnamba) March 16, 2020

Akiva Elefant is on the move with a self containment bubble meme.

What if we all got ourselves one of these?#QuarantineLife #californiacoronavirus #stopthespread

— Akiva Elefant (@AkivaElefant) March 16, 2020
(MORE: #AskGMA: 10 common coronavirus questions answered)

Quarantine activities

Twitter user @Tempestgrace4 shared a list of quarantine activities you can do by yourself or in a small group setting, including reorganizing your room and learning a new skill.

Here's a list of quarantine activity ideas I made because making lists helps my anxiety! Maybe it will help someone ❤️#QuarantineLife #QuarantineActivities

— Ms.Nobody (@Tempestgrace4) March 16, 2020

Paul Costabile also had a few ideas of what to do with his new found time at home.

Can’t tell if I should binge Netflix, take a shower, reorganize, finish that work I’ve been meaning to do, eat 10,000 calories, learn a 3rd language, send #coronavirus articles to everyone I know, call my Mom again or go outside. Fine I’ll do them all #QuarantineLife

— Paul Costabile (@PaulCostabile) March 15, 2020

Jamie Rubin shared a sign of activities the kids can do at home to stay busy.

View this post on Instagram

Tomorrow morning we’ll all be waking up to this at my house. It was inspired by (and pretty lovingly stolen) from the amazing Jen Levin. I’m sharing it with you all in the hopes you steal it and it keeps you sane too! I’ll amend on Monday to include mostly work and schoolwork but still some other things to keep us sane. Welcome to Camp Quarantine! #campquarantine #stayingsaneunderquarantine #coronavirus #coronaquarantine

A post shared by Jamie (@steelmylunch) on

Cuddly co-workers

Sofi Ameli snapped a shot of husband Nate working with a furry friend on his lap.

Fluffy desk 🐶

— SofiAmeli (@SofiAmeli) March 14, 2020

Jamie is getting lots of attention from her new co-workers Ned and Momo.

— Jamie (@AntarcticaJones) March 12, 2020

Reality check

While most people online have made light of the America's new reality, Adam Stout noted the real world challenges many face as social distancing becomes the norm.

Self-isolation and social distancing are important, but people who struggle with their mental health will have it extra hard these next few weeks. Take care of each other y’all. #COVID19 #QuarantineLife #MentalHealthAwareness

— Adam Stout (@RealAdamStout) March 16, 2020