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Family June 5, 2019

This video of parents doing a choreographed labor dance is birthing goals

WATCH: Couple performs choreographed dance while waiting for labor in hospital room

First-time parents Jonah and Courtney Platt were at the hospital, waiting for their first child to be born.

And dance, of course.

In a video submitted to Ginger Zee's Facebook page and made the "GMA Moment," the couple did a dance routine while waiting for Courtney to be induced.

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"Courtney was searching the internet for birth videos, trying to get herself prepared for what to expect," Jonah Platt told "GMA." "She came across some amazing videos of women dancing in the hospital and, as a professional dancer herself, loved that exuberant way to approach what can be a very nerve-wracking experience, and so we figured we'd have a little fun ourselves!"

The Platts' baby boy was born about 27 hours later, the new dad said. He was 7 lbs, 7 oz and 21 inches long.

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"Delivering a baby can be such a scary experience," he said. "I think maybe seeing us approach this moment as a joyous celebration is something people enjoy seeing and helps remind everyone that despite the seriousness of the medical procedures at hand, birth is a miraculous thing to behold. It's always good to approach life's big moments with some levity."