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June 6, 2019

Photographer's picture of mom after birth packs powerful postpartum message

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A photographer who captured a seemingly overlooked moment of a woman post-birth has sparked conversation among thousands on social media.

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Alex Dovel, owner of Alex Michele Photography, photographed her friend Tammy Wright of Jacksonville, Florida, after Wright welcomed a baby boy May 20.

The black and white picture showing Wright grasping the hospital bedrails and its powerful caption quickly racked up 170,000 shares on Facebook.

"There were quite a few people in the room and everyone was surrounding the baby," Dovel told "Good Morning America." "I was taking photos and I turned around and I see Tammy [Wright]. She was [still] in a lot of pain. Nobody talks about that -- what's actually, physically going on. It's not pretty. It's messy, and postpartum is hard. People need to love on the moms."

"I had to photograph her," she added. "This was part of her story."

(MORE: Mom's viral post on society's expectations of working moms gets standing ovation on Facebook)

Dovel shared the photo on Facebook captioning, "I saw you, mama. I saw the pain in your eyes and in your face and in your body. Because this is now a new season called postpartum. We tend to forget our mamas when babies are around. We ask how baby is, what does baby need, can we hold the baby, can we buy this for the baby but... what about mama?"

Wright told "GMA" this was her third pregnancy, but her first time experiencing a natural labor and delivery.

"I felt like my whole entire body was giving out on me," Wright said of the photographed moment in the hospital after she had her son, Christian Robert. "I was a little anxious because I knew there was going to be so much on mine and my husband's plates with three kids."

Wright said she's thrilled the photo ignited conversations about postpartum.

PHOTO: Tammy Wright of Jacksonville, Fla., is photographed by Alex Michele Photography, whose viral post about postpartum garnered 170,000 shares on Facebook.
Alex Michele Photography
Tammy Wright of Jacksonville, Fla., is photographed by Alex Michele Photography, whose viral post about postpartum garnered 170,000 shares on Facebook.

"It was that bond of womenhood and respect of everyone knowing it's not an easy transition," Wright noted. "It's not talked about enough in society. [W]e act like we've got it all covered, but we need help. I think if it was talked about more, there would be less postpartum depression."

(MORE: The postpartum party is the event new moms actually need)

One commenter shared her own experience on Dovel's Facebook. "When our bodies don’t seem to go back to normal and your emotions so sensitive," she wrote. "This is hard."

PHOTO: Baby Christian, son to Tammy Wright of Jacksonville, Fla., is seen in an undated photo following his May 20, 2019, birth.
Alex Michele Photography
Baby Christian, son to Tammy Wright of Jacksonville, Fla., is seen in an undated photo following his May 20, 2019, birth.

The photo compelled some parents to thank loved ones for helping out during their post-baby periods.

"Thank for you every load of laundry you washed and folded and put away," one wrote.

"Thank you for skipping school to help me take care of Brooklyn after my c-section," said another.

One person made a suggestion on how to lend a hand to a postpartum mom, "I always gift my mama friends spa gift cards and meals and stop by so they can go shower or I can do a chore."

PHOTO: Tammy Wright of Jacksonville, Fla., is photographed on May 20, 2019, after giving birth to a baby boy.
Alex Michele Photography
Tammy Wright of Jacksonville, Fla., is photographed on May 20, 2019, after giving birth to a baby boy.
(MORE: A postpartum photo of 4 moms got thousands of negative comments: Here's how they clapped back)

Reproductive psychiatrist Dr. Alexandra Sacks focuses on women's mental health needs from pregnancy to postpartum and parenting. In April, Sacks shared the following healthy coping mechanisms for women in the postpartum stage.

Body mindfulness
This includes meditation, deep breathing, acupuncture and education on the importance of sleep.

Friends and/or a community online with other moms

Share the load
Talk with your partner or loved ones for help with childcare, and be honest about what you need.

Set a realistic bar
"Don't feel guilty about giving your kids the iPad [in moderation] so you can enjoy a meal," Sacks said.

Exercise and get healthy nutrition

Get fresh air, even if it's a walk outside with the stroller

Hold on to the things you love to do
Even if it's as simple as watching your favorite TV show.

Speak with a professional
Chat with your doctor about seeing a therapist or reach out to the Postpartum Support International helpline at 1-800-944-477.