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Family July 12, 2018

Mom of 'bingo babies' reflects on her lucky gift of in vitro fertilization

WATCH: Mom of 'bingo babies' reflects on her lucky gift of in vitro fertilization


That was the winning bingo number that led a Canadian couple to welcome their sweet bundles of joy.

Jaylyn Hosburgh, 31, of Windsor, Ontario, attended bingo night in 2015 with her mother, Christine Renaud, who hit the jackpot of $24,000, she said.

Hosburgh, who had been on a seven-year in vitro fertilization (IVF) journey with husband Richard, said her mom knew exactly what to do with the winnings.

PHOTO: Harper, left and Maxwell, pose in a newborn photo shoot in October 2016.
Stephanie Lynn Photography
Harper, left and Maxwell, pose in a newborn photo shoot in October 2016.

"She immediately told me that she was giving it to us so we could do IVF again," Hosburgh told "Good Morning America." "It was just meant to be at that time."

IVF involves fertilizing an egg with sperm outside the body, as in a test tube.

The Hosburghs tried for two years to have children and underwent two IVF procedures but were unsuccessful, they shared with website Love What Matters. But with the bingo money and IVF trial number three, they received their first positive pregnancy test ever.

PHOTO: Richard and Jaylyn Hosburgh of Windsor, Ontario, pose with their children, Maxwell and Harper.
Stephanie Lynn Photography
Richard and Jaylyn Hosburgh of Windsor, Ontario, pose with their children, Maxwell and Harper.

"Little did we know our lives were about to change forever," Hosburgh recently told the website. "Our bingo babies were conceived."

At her March 10, 2016, ultrasound, Hosburgh said, she learned they were having twins. A boy and a girl, Maxwell and Harper, arrived Oct. 1.

Weeks later, Maxwell and Harper, now 1, were photographed in specially made bingo onesies featuring their grandmother's winning bingo number, B-15.

PHOTO: Maxwell and Harper Hosburgh pose in a cake smash photo shoot in honor of their first birthdays.
Stephanie Lynn Photography
Maxwell and Harper Hosburgh pose in a cake smash photo shoot in honor of their first birthdays.
PHOTO: Harper, left and Maxwell, pose in a newborn photo shoot in October 2016. The babies' grandmother had won $24,000 in a game of bingo and gifted it to their mother, who conceived them via IVF.
Stephanie Lynn Photography
Harper, left and Maxwell, pose in a newborn photo shoot in October 2016. The babies' grandmother had won $24,000 in a game of bingo and gifted it to their mother, who conceived them via IVF.

"I wanted to get the story out there to let others know that there's hope at the end of this dark tunnel," Hosburgh said. "Lots of people don't talk about infertility."

Hosburgh plans to share the fun bingo story with her twins so they'll learn how they came into the world.

"It's part of them, it's part of us and it's part of our family," she said.