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Culture March 6, 2019

Taylor Swift shares 30 things she learned before turning 30

WATCH: Taylor Swift shares lessons learned in 'Elle'

Taylor Swift has a big birthday coming up. She's turning 30 this year!

The 10-time Grammy award-winning pop singer recently shared her thoughts on approaching the special age, along with 30 things she's learned before the milestone, with Elle.

"According to my birth certificate, I turn 30 this year," she wrote for the magazine. "It's weird because part of me still feels 18 and part of me feels 283, but the actual age I currently am is 29."

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"I've heard people say that your thirties are 'the most fun!'" So I'll definitely keep you posted on my findings on that when I know," she added. "But until then, I thought I'd share some lessons I've learned before reaching 30, because it's 2019 and sharing is caring."

The lessons she shares touch on important topics like mental health, accepting failure in life and believing victims of sexual assault, among others. Here are some of the highlights:

Swift on social media

She says that turning off the comments on her social media posts helped her "block some of the noise."

"Social media can be great, but it can also inundate your brain with images of what you aren't, how you're failing, or who is in a cooler locale than you at any given moment," she wrote.

"I'm showing my friends and fans updates on my life, but I'm training my brain to not need the validation of someone telling me I look [fire emojis]," she added.

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Swift on embracing failure

With her massive success, Swift has realized just how important failure also is.

"Trying and failing and trying again and failing again is normal," she wrote. "It may not feel normal to me because all of my trials and failures are blown out of proportion and turned into a spectator sport by tabloid takedown culture (you had to give me one moment of bitterness, come on)."

"It's good to mess up and learn from it and take risks," she shared. "It's especially good to do this in your twenties because we are searching."

Swift on embracing body positivity and aging

Swift also touches on her feelings about body image and how far she's come in her journey to accepting her body.

"I learned to stop hating every ounce of fat on my body," she wrote. "I worked hard to retrain my brain that a little extra weight means curves, shinier hair, and more energy."

I work on accepting my body every day.

"I think a lot of us push the boundaries of dieting, but taking it too far can be really dangerous," she added. "There is no quick fix. I work on accepting my body every day."

She also explains her thoughts on the stigma attached to aging.

"Society is constantly sending very loud messages to women that exhibiting the physical signs of aging is the worst thing that can happen to us," she wrote. "These messages tell women that we aren't allowed to age. It's an impossible standard to meet."

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Swift says fellow body positivity advocate "The Good Place" star Jameela Jamil has inspired her with her openness on the topic.

"Reading her words feels like hearing a voice of reason amongst all these loud messages out there telling women we're supposed to defy gravity, time, and everything natural in order to achieve this bizarre goal of everlasting youth that isn't even remotely required of men," Swift wrote.

Swift on believing sexual assault victims

Swift, who won a sexual assault lawsuit against former radio host David Mueller in 2017, shared her opinions on the important subject.

I believe victims because I know firsthand about the shame and stigma that comes with raising your hand and saying 'This happened to me.' It's something no one would choose for themselves.

"It's my opinion that in cases of sexual assault, I believe the victim," she wrote.

"Coming forward is an agonizing thing to go through," she continued. "I know because my sexual assault trial was a demoralizing, awful experience."

(MORE: Taylor Swift says groping trial was fight for anyone 'silenced by sexual assault,' promises donations to help assault victims)

"I believe victims because I know firsthand about the shame and stigma that comes with raising your hand and saying 'This happened to me.' It's something no one would choose for themselves. We speak up because we have to, and out of fear that it could happen to someone else if we don't," she wrote.

Swift on getting involved politically

The singer, who publicly endorsed a Democratic candidate for Tennessee Senate before the midterm elections and encouraged her fanbase to vote, reflected on choosing to speak out about her opinions.

"I took a lot of time educating myself on the political system and the branches of government that are signing off on bills that affect our day-to-day life," she wrote. "I saw so many issues that put our most vulnerable citizens at risk, and felt like I had to speak up to try and help make a change."

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I’m writing this post about the upcoming midterm elections on November 6th, in which I’ll be voting in the state of Tennessee. In the past I’ve been reluctant to publicly voice my political opinions, but due to several events in my life and in the world in the past two years, I feel very differently about that now. I always have and always will cast my vote based on which candidate will protect and fight for the human rights I believe we all deserve in this country. I believe in the fight for LGBTQ rights, and that any form of discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender is WRONG. I believe that the systemic racism we still see in this country towards people of color is terrifying, sickening and prevalent. I cannot vote for someone who will not be willing to fight for dignity for ALL Americans, no matter their skin color, gender or who they love. Running for Senate in the state of Tennessee is a woman named Marsha Blackburn. As much as I have in the past and would like to continue voting for women in office, I cannot support Marsha Blackburn. Her voting record in Congress appalls and terrifies me. She voted against equal pay for women. She voted against the Reauthorization of the Violence Against Women Act, which attempts to protect women from domestic violence, stalking, and date rape. She believes businesses have a right to refuse service to gay couples. She also believes they should not have the right to marry. These are not MY Tennessee values. I will be voting for Phil Bredesen for Senate and Jim Cooper for House of Representatives. Please, please educate yourself on the candidates running in your state and vote based on who most closely represents your values. For a lot of us, we may never find a candidate or party with whom we agree 100% on every issue, but we have to vote anyway. So many intelligent, thoughtful, self-possessed people have turned 18 in the past two years and now have the right and privilege to make their vote count. But first you need to register, which is quick and easy to do. October 9th is the LAST DAY to register to vote in the state of TN. Go to and you can find all the info. Happy Voting! ??????

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She also shared that she's going to continue being vocal in this sphere.

"Invoking racism and provoking fear through thinly veiled messaging is not what I want from our leaders, and I realized that it actually is my responsibility to use my influence against that disgusting rhetoric. I'm going to do more to help," she wrote.

(MORE: Taylor Swift breaks her political silence, endorses Democrats in passionate post on midterm elections)

"We have a big race coming up next year," she added.

Swift on overcoming bullies

She made a not-so-subtle reference to her 2016 feud with Kim Kardashian, in which the reality star called her a snake.

"A few years ago, someone started an online hate campaign by calling me a snake on the internet," she wrote.

"The fact that so many people jumped on board with it led me to feeling lower than I've ever felt in my life, but I can't tell you how hard I had to keep from laughing every time my 63-foot inflatable cobra named Karyn appeared onstage in front of 60,000 screaming fans," she continued.

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"It's the Stadium Tour equivalent of responding to a troll's hateful Instagram comment with 'lol.' It would be nice if we could get an apology from people who bully us, but maybe all I'll ever get is the satisfaction of knowing I could survive it, and thrive in spite of it," she added.

Swift on love and relationships

She cautioned readers on the importance of not being entirely swayed by first impressions.

"It's impressive when someone can charm people instantly and own the room, but what I know now to be more valuable about a person is not their charming routine upon meeting them (I call it a 'solid first 15'), but the layers of a person you discover in time," she wrote.

She also said she's learned to stop caring how others view her relationships.

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"For too long, the projected opinions of strangers affected how I viewed my relationships," she wrote. "Whether it was the general internet consensus of who would be right for me, or what they thought was 'couples goals' based on a picture I posted on Instagram. That stuff isn't real."

"For an approval seeker like me, it was an important lesson for me to learn to have my OWN value system of what I actually want," she added.

Swift on prioritizing her and her fans safety

She said that the 2017 Manchester Arena bombing at an Ariana Grande concert and the 2017 Las Vegas concert shooting at a country music festival made her reevaluate performing.

You get enough stalkers trying to break into your house and you kind of start prepping for bad things

"I was completely terrified to go on tour this time because I didn't know how we were going to keep 3 million fans safe over seven months," she wrote. "There was a tremendous amount of planning, expense, and effort put into keeping my fans safe."

Outside of the touring space, she also carries QuikClot army grade bandage dressing, which she writes is used for gunshot or stab wounds.

"Websites and tabloids have taken it upon themselves to post every home address I've ever had online," she added. "You get enough stalkers trying to break into your house and you kind of start prepping for bad things."

To check out the rest of Swift's learned lessons, visit Elle.