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April 9, 2019

Taylor Swift donates $113,000 to pro-LGBTQ advocacy group in Tennessee

WATCH: News headlines today: April 9, 2019

Taylor Swift made a political statement last year when she endorsed a Democratic candidate for U.S. Senate, saying his opponent's voting record "appalled and terrified" her because of the opponent's lack of support for gay rights.

Now, Swift is once again taking a stand for gay rights by making a large donation to a pro-LGBTQ advocacy group.

(MORE: Taylor Swift says her mother Andrea's cancer has returned)

Taylor donated $113,000 Monday to the Tennessee Equality Project. T.E.P.'s executive director, Chris Sanders, said in a statement that the organization was "honored and grateful" for her gift, adding, "Taylor Swift has been a long-time ally to the LGBTQ community."

"She sees our struggle in Tennessee and continues to add her voice with so many good people, including religious leaders, who are speaking out for love in the face of fear," Sanders continued.

Taylor also sent a handwritten note to Sanders, saying she approved of T.E.P. efforts to bring together 150 Tennessee religious leaders who oppose bills that supposedly target the LGBTQ community -- bills which the T.E.P. has dubbed the "Slate of Hate."

INCREDIBLE: Taylor Swift just made a sizable donation to @tnequality and wrote a heartfelt note thanking the organization for its work in trying to defeat the anti-LGBTQ "slate of hate" in Tennessee. #tnleg

— Nick Morrow (@NRMorrow) April 8, 2019
(MORE: Taylor Swift shares 30 things she learned before turning 30)

"Dear Chris, I'm writing you to say that I'm so inspired by the work you do, specifically in organizing the recent petition of Tennessee faith leaders standing up against the 'Slate of Hate' in our state legislature," Swift wrote. "Please convey my heartfelt thanks to them and accept this donation to support the work you and those leaders are doing."

"I'm so grateful that they're giving all people a place to worship," she added.

In a recent article in ELLE magazine, Swift said of her new political awareness, "I realized that it actually is my responsibility to use my influence...I’m going to do more to help. We have a big race coming up next year."

Several celebs, organizations and fans took to Twitter Monday to praise the singer for her advocacy.

(MORE: Taylor Swift breaks her political silence, endorses Democrats in passionate post on midterm elections)

Ellen DeGeneres wrote, "this lit up my heart."

.@TaylorSwift13, this lit up my heart.

— Ellen DeGeneres (@TheEllenShow) April 9, 2019

The Human Rights Campaign cited a past Swift lyric in its post: "Tennessee: Look What You Made Her Do — donate to support the rights of LGBTQ Tennesseans. Thank you @TaylorSwift13 for supporting our incredible partners @tnequality. #TNLeg."

Tennessee: Look What You Made Her Do — donate to support the rights of LGBTQ Tennesseans. Thank you @TaylorSwift13 for supporting our incredible partners @tnequality. #TNLeg.

— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) April 9, 2019