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Culture November 20, 2018

'The Originals' star Claire Holt gets surprised by her own gender reveal

PHOTO: Claire Holt posted a video to her Instagram account revealing the gender of her baby, Nov. 19, 2018.
Claire Holt/Instagram
Claire Holt posted a video to her Instagram account revealing the gender of her baby, Nov. 19, 2018.

Actor Claire Holt announced her pregnancy in October after suffering a heartbreaking miscarriage earlier this year.

"The Originals” star shared a video of her gender reveal with her husband Andrew Joblon on Monday.

She thought she was having a girl but was surprised to learn the opposite when the black balloons in her video burst, revealing blue confetti.

“Gender Reveal PSA: If you are absolutely positively certain you’re having a girl, perhaps don’t buy a lot of pink things and choose a name before you confirm,” she wrote alongside a video of the funny moment.

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Gender Reveal PSA: If you are absolutely, positively certain you’re having a girl, perhaps don’t buy a lot of pink things and choose a name before you confirm....

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Her husband also shared his reaction on the social platform, writing, “When the doctor tells you at the 12-week scan it’s a girl and you plan on having a daughter... then you find out he guessed wrong!”

Holt, who also appeared on “The Vampire Diaries” and "Pretty Little Liars,” revealed her pregnancy last month, saying, “It still doesn’t feel real.”

“These past few months have been filled with excitement, anxiety, tears, joy, uncertainty, but most of all, gratitude,” she shared on Instagram.

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Holt tragically suffered a miscarriage in March and acknowledged the loss in her announcement.

“You never forget the deep pain of loss. It dims with time but it informs many of your experiences. Our loss earlier this year was the darkest moment of my life. Yet, it made me infinitely more thankful for the precious baby growing inside me today,” she wrote.

MORE: Woman opens up about preparing for motherhood after 2 miscarriages

She also penned a special note to other women who have experienced miscarriages.

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“I want to take a moment to acknowledge all those struggling with miscarriage, infertility or any of the difficulties that come with bringing new life into the world. I know that these announcements can hurt. I’ve felt it all. My heart is with you and I pray that our story gives you hope.”

Her raw, emotionally charged post earlier this year on that time of her life resonated with many women around the world.

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“I took this photo 10 days ago, as I waited for surgery after my sweet little baby lost its heartbeat. I sent it to my fiancé in the waiting room to show him that I was OK. I wasn’t. I’ve never felt more broken in my life,” she wrote on the platform.

She described her hesitation in sharing her struggles with the public, too.

“I debated sharing this so soon and I’m still frightened about making such a private struggle public, but I’m doing it anyway because it's important.”

It breaks my heart to think that losing a baby feels like something we have to keep to ourselves. Why is it any different than the death of a loved one? How is it any less meaningful?

“After my D & C, I spent hours on the internet searching for women who had been through it. I was desperate to find someone, anyone, who could relate to what I was feeling. Someone to tell me that the depression and hopelessness were normal. That it wasn’t my fault. That I wasn’t broken forever,” she added.

She sought support from women who have also suffered miscarriages and found that other women were also “open and vulnerable” about the subject.

MORE: Michelle Obama opens up about her miscarriage, going through IVF and Donald Trump in ABC News prime-time special for new memoir 'Becoming'

Holt said that she wants to eradicate the stigma associated with talking about miscarriages.

"It breaks my heart to think that losing a baby feels like something we have to keep to ourselves. Why is it any different than the death of a loved one? How is it any less meaningful?”

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Discussing it actually helped her to heal, she said.

“Opening up to people is crucial. As soon as I told my story, almost everyone I spoke to told me theirs — their own, their wife’s, their sister’s. So many people go through it and understand the breadth of pain, yet so few people talk about it.”

She also thanked her husband for his tremendous support during the hardest time of her life.

"Despite his pain, he was my rock and my safety net. I will never know how to thank him.”