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Culture January 10, 2020

Harry Styles volunteers to watch stranger's dog while he picks up a restaurant order

WATCH: Harry Styles covers Lizzo’s hit song ‘Juice’

A picture really is worth 1,000 words. Or, in this case, thousands of likes and retweets.

Imagine running over to your favorite restaurant with your adorable puppy in tow to pick up your tasty dinner, only to find you can't bring your beloved pet into the establishment.

MORE: Harry Styles covers Lizzo's hit song ‘Juice'

That happened to one guy who says Harry Styles stepped in to save the day.

Styles' random act of kindness was immortalized on Twitter Wednesday when Reuters journalist Rory Carroll responded to the question, "What's ya most awkward or interesting celebrity interaction you have had?"

Posting the photographic evidence of the "Sign of the Times" singer with his dog, Carroll recollected on Twitter, "I was outside a restaurant in Hollywood trying to pick up my take out order but couldn't go in because I was with my puppy."

“It was late, the restaurant was closing and I was really in a pickle since this place has a strict no-dogs-allowed policy,” Carroll told “GMA.” He said he is also fiercely protective of Oscar, who was just 6 months old at the time.

I was outside a restaurant in Hollywood trying to pick up my take out order but couldn't go in because I was with my puppy. Harry Styles saw my predicament, tapped me on the shoulder and said he could watch Oscar while I went in. What a guy

— Rory Carroll (@rorydcarroll) January 9, 2020

On Twitter, Carroll added, "Harry Styles saw my predicament, tapped me on the shoulder and said he could watch Oscar while I went in. What a guy."

The photo shows a rather amused-looking Styles as he holds on tight to the leash of Oscar, the yellow lab.

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Carroll said he figured Styles was trustworthy given his squeaky-clean reputation as a member of One Direction.

“I could see him through the large restaurant windows while I was inside and he kept his eyes focused on Oscar the whole time, never looking at his phone,” Carroll told “GMA.” “Oscar, on the other hand, was his usual troublemaking self, pulling away in every direction. He just doesn’t know how to play it cool.”

After being bombarded with follow-up questions, Carroll revealed on Twitter that the encounter wasn't recent, but did kindly reveal the exact time, date and place the dogsitting incident took place.

Jan. 17, 2018 11:26 p.m. at The Oaks Gourmet Market in Franklin Village

— Rory Carroll (@rorydcarroll) January 9, 2020

“I came back out, thanked Harry and sheepishly asked for a photo, something I normally wouldn’t do, but I wanted some proof that it happened,” Carroll told “GMA.” “He happily obliged. There was no one around because it was so late. Pretty much just Oscar, Harry and me in an empty parking lot."

It wasn’t Oscar’s last celebrity encounter. Carroll said that he and his wife have witnessed their pup get smiles from the likes of Bob Odenkirk, Jenny Slate and Brad Pitt.

“If you want to meet celebrities or just cool people in general, I highly recommend getting a dog,” he said.