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February 4, 2020

Peter Weber reveals if he regrets any of his decisions on 'The Bachelor'

WATCH: ‘The Bachelor’ week 5 recap

Pilot Pete Weber opened up about the decisions he's made during his time as the Bachelor during an appearance on "Good Morning America" Tuesday.

"You know, it's crazy for me to watch to watch back live," he said. "There's moments where I'm like why did I do that? But again, living in the moment -- or being in the moment -- dating that many women is not easy, so I know I made so many mistakes and I'm sorry ... It's just very, very difficult."

He went on, "If there's anything maybe I wish I would have put my foot down a little bit more during certain situations. But I also know the type of person I am, and I give everyone the benefit of the doubt. I love to see the good in people and I know that's kind of coming off on screen."

MORE: Bachelor Peter Weber talks on-set injury, reconnecting with Hannah Brown

"People are frustrated with me, but that's just me being me -- and I'm not going to change," he added.

The moment behind #PilotPete’s mysterious injury is revealed in last night’s episode of @BachelorABC! “It’s crazy for me to watch it back live… being in the moment dating that many women is not easy.”#TheBachelor#BachelorNation

— Good Morning America (@GMA) February 4, 2020

The Bachelor also weighed in on the drama that occurred during Monday night's episode.

"Obviously you don't like to see that as you're going through the whole experience, but I kept looking back on it ... that drama kind of showed this is working," he said.

"If all the women were just getting along super well they probably wouldn't have been super into me," he added. "And if it would have been too easy it wouldn't be a good thing, but it definitely interfered with some stuff ... I just tried to weed through that drama as best as possible and make the best decision in that time that I could."

Monday's episode kicked off with Peter deciding once again to send Alayah home. However, a new villain was about to emerge.

That led to the rose ceremony, after which Deandra, Kiarra and Savannah were sent packing.

Afterward, Peter informed the rest of the ladies that Costa Rica is the next stop on their journey and he had another surprise waiting for them once they arrive.

Unfortunately, the "surprise" was a freak accident involving a golf cart that left him with a 22-stitch scar on his forehead.

Have to watch out for those Pumas 😂 #TheBachelor

— The Bachelor (@BachelorABC) February 4, 2020

The first one-on-one date went to Sydney, who was whisked off by helicopter over the picturesque landscape, followed by a romantic picnic. Over dinner, Sydney told a heartbreaking story of facing racism while growing up in the Deep South. There, she revealed she’s the daughter of mixed-race parents who divorced when she was 4 years old. The story and Sydney’s strength earned Peter’s respect along with the date rose.

However, no sooner does one drama end than another heats up. Kelsey -- who had the infamous meltdown over a bottle of champagne in the first episode -- tearfully opened up to Tammy about her insecurities over where she stands with Peter in relation to the other ladies. Kelsey’s emotional breakdowns were becoming a source of annoyance to the other women, especially Tammy, who’s about to lose her cool.

When the drama hits 😳 #TheBachelor

— The Bachelor (@BachelorABC) February 4, 2020
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Meanwhile, Tammy and Kelsey were part of a group date with Shiann, Victoria F., Madison, Natasha, Victoria P., Lexi, Hannah Ann and Mykenna, all of whom were sent off to shoot a Cosmopolitan swimsuit fashion spread at La Fortuna waterfall. The winner, based on her modeling ability, was Victoria F., who got to cover the issue alongside Peter.

At the cocktail party afterward, Tammy used her one-on-one time with Peter to warn him about Kelsey, whom she described as "emotionally unstable."

Leave it up to Tammy 👊 #TheBachelor

— The Bachelor (@BachelorABC) February 4, 2020

When Peter confronted Kelsey about it, she objected to her behavior being described as a breakdown.

Kelsey then tried to defuse her situation by sneaking over to Peter’s suite before the next rose ceremony. He said her boldness "serves to reinforce to me that you want this just as badly as I do." After stepping away for a moment, he returned with a rose, explaining that he didn’t need to wait for the ceremony to know how he felt about her.

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The women were looking forward to talking to Peter at the pre-rose ceremony cocktail party, but instead, host Chris Harrison appeared to deliver the news that Peter was so confident in his decisions this week, there will be no cocktail party. The girls blamed Tammy, accusing her of speaking out of turn to Peter, and she responded by accusing Sydney of the same thing. When Sydney denied gossiping about Alayah, Tammy threw a fit.

MORE: What happened last week on 'The Bachelor'

Rising to her feet, she screamed, "Shut the f--- up," before launching into a tirade.

Fearing the drama put her chances of getting a rose in jeopardy, Tammy stole Peter away just as the first rose was about to be handed out, followed by Mykenna, leading Lexi to quip, "I guess I’ll go next since this is now a cocktail party in the middle of the rose ceremony."

When the roses were handed out, it was Lexi who was sent home, along with Shiann, who left him with an ominous warning: "Some of the girls that are here ... sometimes what you're seeing is not really who they are."

"The Bachelor" continues Wednesday at 8 p.m. ET on ABC.